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What is a Math Teacher?

A math teacher is an educator specializing in teaching mathematical concepts to middle and high school students. They cover a range of subjects such as algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and trigonometry, aiming to align with state standards and enhance students' problem-solving and analytical skills.

Math teachers typically need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited teacher preparation program, including coursework in both mathematics and pedagogy. They must also obtain a state-issued teaching credential and may need to pass standardized exams. Continuing education is often required to maintain licensure.

Post-secondary math teachers, such as those at community colleges or universities, typically hold a master’s or doctoral degree in mathematics or a related field. They teach advanced courses, conduct research, publish papers, and mentor graduate students. Licensing requirements vary by state and institution.

These educators play a key role in developing students' mathematical understanding, preparing them for higher education and careers in fields like engineering, technology, finance, and data analysis.

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Steps to Becoming a Math Teacher

To become a mathematics teacher, you need quite a bit of education and training that leads to a state license. Thus, you must first find a fully accredited, state approved teacher preparation program at a college that also supports a strong mathematics department. That is, you should also focus your non-education coursework on mathematics, as you will need to demonstrate your competence on a standardized examination. In fact, many mathematics teachers have double majored with math or at least have a minor in the subject.

However, before you step into your first education course, you should make sure that you are dedicated to teaching. Your young students deserve a teacher who is passionate about teaching and helping young minds master the skills they will need in adulthood. Thus you should be prepared to put in lots of extra hours helping students with study sessions, extracurricular activities such as a math or science club, and even coaching if you have an aptitude for a particular sport.

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  • Step 1: Academic Preparation

  • Step 2: Testing

  • Step 3: Licensure and Beyond

  • Step 4: Licensure and Beyond


Step 1: Academic Preparation

All mathematics teachers must at least have completed a bachelor’s degree in education that includes an accredited, state-approved teacher preparation program. You should probably double major in education and mathematics, but that’s not always a requirement. State licensure requirements vary, but you will at least need to pass the subject area test for mathematics for your chosen age group or grade.

During your college years, you will need to complete a student teaching experience. Among seasoned professionals, student teaching is considered a vital rite of passage. During that term you will work with a mentor whose classroom you will overtake for a few weeks. You will also likely have a faculty mentor back on the university campus to help you organize lesson plans, handle classroom management issues, and more.

During your undergraduate years, work with an academic adviser to craft a course of study that will give you not only the pedagogical skill, but the subject-area expertise, you need to truly succeed.

Step 2: Testing

At some point later in your college years you will want to satisfy your state’s requirements for standardized testing. Most states require that you pass at least two tests: the PRAXIS I general skills test and then a PRAXIS II subject area examination that qualifies you to teach mathematics. Depending on your strength in mathematics, this examination should not be much trouble.

However, some aspiring teachers have found that their particular subject area test included obscure items that they were not prepared for. Luckily, the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the company that administers the PRAXIS exams, provides ample study material. Further, you are sure to have fellow students above and below you who are sitting for that exam. Discuss the exam with your peers to see if you can glean any pointers. That is, should you spend most of your time brushing up on Algebra, or is the focus more on Geometry?

Also, math teacher should be aware that not every state uses these standardized national tests. Those states which do not use the PRAXIS exams, will instead use their own state tests or another national exam. You should still be able to find study material for any test you’ll need to take, but you’ll want to check with your states Board of Education to verify which test you’ll need to complete.

Step 3: Student Teaching

Student teaching is a vital component of becoming a math teacher, providing aspiring educators with hands-on experience in the classroom. This step allows teacher candidates to apply the theoretical knowledge they’ve gained in their education programs to real-world teaching environments. During student teaching, future math teachers are paired with a mentor teacher—an experienced educator who provides guidance, feedback, and support. As a student teacher, you will plan and deliver math lessons, assess student understanding, and manage classroom dynamics under the supervision of your mentor. This experience is invaluable, as it enables you to refine your teaching techniques and adapt your style to meet the needs of diverse learners.

In most states, completing a student teaching internship is a requirement for obtaining a teaching credential. The length and structure of the student teaching experience may vary depending on the teacher preparation program, but it typically lasts several months. Throughout this period, you will gradually take on more responsibility, beginning with assisting your mentor teacher and progressing to independently teaching full lessons or even entire units. Student teaching is also an opportunity to develop important professional skills, such as collaboration with colleagues, communication with parents, and classroom management. Successful completion of student teaching not only strengthens your teaching abilities but also makes you a competitive candidate when applying for full-time math teaching positions.

Step 4: Licensure and Beyond

Once you have successfully completed the academic and testing portion of the process, you should move forward to completing the rest of your application. Depending on your state, you will probably need a letter of recommendation from your education department, a background check, and the recommendation of a hiring principal. Sometimes you won’t be fully licensed until you land a job.

Math teacher first few years are likely to be spent on a conditional license. Some states may include a rigorous mentorship period that will help most math teachers gain a true mastery of the profession. Math teachers may also need to complete other requirements. Your university program should prepare you for these eventualities.

Once you’re licensed and an active, professional teacher, you will need to maintain your license with continuing education units (CEUs.) Nearly every state requires that teachers take a prescribed number of hours in Continuing Education. You will have to complete this requirement prior to the end of every licensure renewal period, else your license may lapse and thus jeopardize your ability to renew an employment contract. You can often take CEUs online, from a local community college, or even at teaching conferences. Your school district may also arrange CEU opportunities.

What Do They Do?

Mathematics teachers are professionals who are hired to deliver a state’s mathematics curriculum to their students. As a math teacher, you will likely work in an institutional school setting where you will spend the majority of your day in your own classroom. You will teach five or six groups of students and will have one class period off to prepare your lessons, grade papers, or tutor students.

You will start your days with a homeroom group of students who may or may not be your actual students. They will report to your classroom for roll call, morning announcements, and other administrative functions. The remainder of your day will be spent teaching the day’s lessons.

If you are in a high school, you might teach a variety of classes and grade levels. You may have a few classes full of Algebra students, one or two Geometry classes, and perhaps a Calculus course for college-bound seniors. Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers will teach the same mathematics curriculum to all students all day, as you will be set to teach one specific grade. Thus, if you are an 8th Grade teacher, you will likely spend all day teaching Pre-Algebra.

Keep in mind that most schools like to see teachers take on extra-curricular duties as well. As a mathematics teacher, you might start a math club, or maybe you also have computer programming skills and can organize a club around that activity. Athletically and artistically inclined educators might become coaches or be active with student theater.

Skills to Acquire

To be a highly qualified Mathematics Teacher, you will need high level mathematics skills. Math teacher should have a full working knowledge of Algebra and Geometry. Math teacher can only help your career by having credentials related to calculus, statistics, and even computer science.

If you start your teaching career with a strong grounding in Geometry and Algebra, you can always focus your CEU time on learning about computer programming or even formal logic. Over time you might be able to teach these subjects to your regular students or offer tutoring as part of an after-school job.

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You must also have a strong set of interpersonal skills when you step into your classroom. Here is a brief rundown:

  • Listening
    It’s vital to understand your students when they are striving to learn the subject matter. Mathematics can be difficult and frustrating, so open and accepting ears will help everyone succeed.
  • Patience
    Not all students will have a natural aptitude for mathematics, and they will need a bit of patience so that they don’t become frustrated and defeated.
  • Classroom Management
    You will take courses on this skill set in your teacher preparation program. Help students take ownership for their behavior and learning.
  • Organization
    When you are organized and on top of your lessons, students will understand and trust the situation. This is a key part of classroom management.

Alternative Paths

There are other ways of becoming a teacher. If a math teacher has a bachelor’s degree but not a degree in teaching, many states have alternative programs to help them enter the classroom as an educational professional. First math teachers must be able to show that the degree relates to the subject matter math teacher intend to teach. Thus, a bachelor's degree in accounting might help teach mathematics. Degrees in the sciences or mathematics itself will also help.

If you are seeking an alternative route, you will need to find a principal to hire you. One way to meet principals and other faculty is by substituting for a variety of schools. When you express your desire to enroll in additional classes and dedicate yourself to teaching, a principal might hire you for a full-time position.

When you enter an alternative licensure program, you will probably be paired with a mentor who will help guide you through the pathway to licensure. You will need to take education courses while you work, and you must also pass the required subject area PRAXIS test. Naturally, you must still pass a background check and otherwise show yourself to have excellent moral character.

You can also consider teaching in private schools, which do not require state licensure. However, individual schools may want you to take education courses such as Classroom Management or Theories of Pedagogy. Private schools do not have standardized requirements the same way public schools do.

If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree but wish to start working in schools, you could consider a two-year degree and Paraprofessional or Teacher Assistant licensure. This way you can gain valuable classroom experience while you decide whether to complete the requirements for a teaching credential. You will also become familiar with principals and other faculty who may have helpful advice for developing your career.

Career & Salary

Where Might You Work?


Mathematics Teachers can work in a variety of environments. You could work in public schools at the middle grades or high school level. Other teachers work in private schools and there are also teachers who work on military bases.

Public Schools:
With a state license, you can work for a state’s public schools. This option provides standardized pay rates and reliable work opportunities. You might also have union representation to help stabilize salaries and help you attain the resources you need.

Private Schools:
If you have a mathematics degree and love students, but haven’t completed a teacher preparation program, you might teach in a private school. Private schools offer greater flexibility in terms of curriculum and overall educational focus.

Charter Schools:
These institutions are offshoots of a state’s public-school system. You will probably still need a full state teaching credential, but you can find schools that focus on STEM subjects. Thus, you might work with students who are especially focused and motivated to learn math.

Military Bases:
If you have a state teaching credential, you can apply to teach in military schools worldwide. You will maintain your civilian status, but you can teach soldier’s children on bases across the nation and globe. This is a great opportunity for teachers who love travel and adventure.

College or University:
With a master’s degree, you can consider teaching at the post-secondary level. If your advanced degree is in mathematics, you will likely teach that. However, you could earn an M.Ed. and teach future mathematics educators.

There are more and more opportunities for teachers who wish to teach mathematics online. High school students who have had trouble in traditional classrooms now can take credits from home. You can also tutor students via an online medium. This way, students in underserved schools can receive higher level math courses than they could previously.

Potential Career Paths

As a mathematics teacher you have many options available to you. Your teaching degree and experience will always provide opportunities, as teachers are all highly organized, effective communicators. These are the core skills of managers, technical writers, and salespeople. With your math skills you can surely add to that list with a range of technological or business specialties.

Here is a brief list to get you thinking of the opportunities that mathematics teaching will open for you:

Elementary Teacher:
Depending on your state’s requirements you may need further coursework, but you will certainly need to pass the PRAXIS II subject test for elementary teachers. You will still teach math, but at a lower level, but you’ll add language arts, social studies, and science to your teacher’s toolkit.

Middle Grades Teacher:
Your state’s licensure might allow you to teach middle or high school. If you are teaching high school and wish to change to middle grades, you can always do so with additional coursework and satisfactory PRAXIS II scores.

Secondary School Teacher:
High school mathematics teachers are able to branch into higher level mathematics courses such as statistics and calculus. You might also be able to teach accounting or what is known as business math.

College Instructor:
With a master’s degree, you can teach college-level courses, such as college algebra or college calculus. If you have a M.Ed., you can teach budding educators in the art of pedagogy.

Businesses, policy think tanks, and government agencies all need statisticians to help make sense of the huge amount of data they aggregate. If you have the necessary coursework or experience in statistics, you can pursue this occupation.

Computer Programmer:
Many mathematicians make excellent computer programmers. While you teach during the day you can learn a coding language at night. Many teachers take on side projects where they develop games, productivity apps, or other software projects. If you decide to switch careers, computer programming might be a great avenue to pursue.

Marketing Analyst:
Your mathematical abilities will come in handy for a marketing firm or department who needs someone to crunch the numbers and assess the outcomes. If you have some marketing coursework in your background or simply strong statistical aptitude you will do well in this field.

This is a business field that works with supply chain management. Often accounting majors are a great fit for the rigorous analytical skills the field demands. Your ability to manage students on top of your quantitative skill will be invaluable for employers.

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Occupation Entry-Level Mid-Career Late-Career
Crypto-Analyst - - -
Mathematician $72,400 $96,500 $121,100
Economist $65,700 $111,300 $141,900
Actuary $65,600 $120,900 $161,800
Financial planner $52,200 $80,200 $100,100
Investment analyst $64,700 $86,900 $125,000
Statistician $71,600 $100,900 $131,900
Operations research analyst $66,000 $92,800 $119,800

**Salary info provided by PayScale

Career Outlook

The outlook for mathematics teachers is not currently very good. The field has grown for years, but that looks like it's about to change. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the occupational sector of high school teachers will decline by 1% between 2023 and 2033. However, if math teachers look in metropolitan areas might have some growth and be able to find more teaching opportunities.

Given that the push is on to train students in vital STEM subjects, the future might be brighter than the average for mathematics teachers, especially if you are willing to gain the education to move into postsecondary teacher roles, which are expected to increase by 8% during the same time that high school teacher roles decline. There are more alternative teaching routes available for potential STEM teachers, and the pay rates are often higher, too. If a math teacher has a strong mathematical aptitude, they might consider strengthening their high-tech skills with programming abilities or other information technology skills. The more skills math teachers have, the more valuable they will be for a school district.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Advancing From Here

Mathematics teachers are in the enviable position of having skills that are highly valued throughout the teaching world as well as in government and private business. However, if math teachers wish to remain in education, they can work towards an M.Ed. and focus on administration. With that degree, plus the required exam, most math teachers can move into a position as a Vice Principal. From there, a math teacher can move on to Principal and then perhaps School Superintendent.

Experienced teachers are also in high demand as business managers, salespeople, and educational consultants, among other fields.

What skills do you need?

Math teachers need good at communication, problem-solving, and creativity. Math teachers need to have technical and math skills.

What is the purpose of mathematics education?

Mathematics education encourages mental rigor and logical reasoning. The concepts taught in mathematics education help provide a core foundation for understanding science, social, studies, art, and music.

How much does a middle school teacher make?

Middle school teachers teaching math make around $64,290 annually.

How much do high school teachers make?

High school teachers make around $65,220 annually.

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