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Chaffey College (CC) has campuses in Chino, Fontana, and Rancho Cucamonga. The college was founded in 1883 and has since offered high-quality education to thousands of students. Chaffey College is a federally-designated Hispanic-serving institution because over 25% of the students in the school are from the Latino population. However, other students from different ethnicities are welcomed to the institution. The school is a two-year public institution that offers awards like associate's degrees and certificates. One factor that makes Chaffey College stand out from other colleges is the 14 sporting programs that the school offers, making it a top pick for students who are into sports. However, the school does not offer on-campus accommodation.

Overview of Chaffey College (CC)

In the 2021-2022 academic year, 18,688 students were admitted to Chaffey College. All the students enrolled for undergraduate courses. Sixty-two percent of the students were male, while 38% were female. Additionally, 74% of all the students took part-time classes, while 26% enrolled as full-time students. Chaffey College has a student-faculty ratio of about 21 to 1, meaning lecturers can personally engage and interact with their students.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting Suburb: Large
Campus Housing No
Student Faculty Ratio 24:1
Graduation Rate 28%
Year Founded 1883

Student Enrollment

Total Students20,025


Undergraduate Student

Male 7,409
Female 12,616

Graduate Student

Male 0
Female 0

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Chaffey College Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male NA
Female NA


Male NA
Female NA

Acceptance RateNA

Male NA
Female NA

Enrollment NA

Male NA
Female NA
Application Fee NA
High School GPA NA
High School Rank NA
High School Transcripts NA
College Prep Courses NA
Recommendations NA
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) NA
Application Deadline NA
Common Application Accepted NA

CC Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the net price for full-time students at Chaffey College who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded Title IV financial aid depended on their income. Students who earned between $0 and $30,000 had a net price of $10,310, while students whose income ranged from $30,001 to $48,000 had a net price of $11,083. Additionally, students who earned between $48,001 and $75,000 had a net price of $13,101, while those whose income ranged from $75,001 to $110,000 had a net price of $15,339. Lastly, students who earned $110,001 or more had a net price of $16,860.

Out of the total first-time students who got admitted to Chaffey College in the 2020-2021 academic year, 35 received institutional grants of about $738, while 928 received federal grants of $3,539. Additionally, 1008 students received state or local government scholarships of about $2,384, while 518 students were awarded Pell Grants of about $5,156.

Average net price Current Year
Net Price $13,765
Average Total Aid $5,135
Students Receiving Financial Aid 81%
Room & Board $16,580

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $1,180
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $8,524
  • Books and Supplies - $1,080
  • Room & Board - $16,580
  • Other - $4,642

Popular Academic Programs at CC

Chaffey College has received positive reviews from most alumni and ongoing students for its exceptional academic programs. This explains the school's 72% retention rate for part-time students and 48% for full-time students. Students can also enroll in evening or weekend classes if they have work responsibilities during the day or on weekdays. Students can also choose distance education if they cannot access the college daily. The college offers more than 170 certificate programs and associate's degree programs. Each year, about 28% of students graduate from Chaffey College, while about 9% transfer to other institutions. The graduation rate at Chaffey College indicates that there is relatively adequate student support and guidance.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, about 553 one-year certificates were awarded to students. The following is an overview of the percentages of one-year certificates awarded to students for popular majors at Chaffey College.

  • Business, management, marketing, and related support services - 37.8%
  • Health professions and related programs - 14.6%
  • Computer and information sciences and support services - 13%
  • Homeland security, law enforcement, firefighting, and related protective services - 7.5%
  • Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians - 4.9%

Student Population Total

Student Population 20,025

Evening Classes : Yes
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Majors N/A

Outcome & Salary

Students who graduate from Chaffey College are well-trained for various jobs. Chaffey College graduates can be found in various fields, such as healthcare, information technology, and marketing. Students at Chaffey College also have the opportunity to receive professional internships and other valuable work experience, resulting in a higher chance of securing a good job in their respective fields of learning after they graduate. Additionally, students who have attained certificates from Chaffey College can apply to continue their education at the same institution or other colleges or universities if they want to earn a bachelor's degree.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $41,100
College Grads Average Salary $31,500
College Grads Mid Career Salary $64,100
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $315,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $956,000
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $55,060
10 Year Projected ROI $259,940
20 Year Projected ROI $900,940
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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