University Headquarters (HQ) is an industry-leading, independent educational organization that provides independent college rankings using a proprietary formula to create first class unbiased rankings. The team at University HQ strives to provide accurate and trustworthy rankings and resources for future students.

Every professional needs a set of resources that they can rely on to provide solid information. This might be especially true if you're a student off on your own for the first time. An easy to find, bookmarked web page can come in handy when you need to find information that is specific to your college degree major and career.

These pages attempt to cover most career types. Each provides information regarding organizations that support your field as well as the journals and periodicals that keep like-minded professionals current and informed. Find your major or chosen professional field below and start exploring the vast resources gathered here for you.

Resources for Before and After College



As a future business leader, you need to kick off your career at the very best school. Our resources will help you determine which has the best accreditation and how to understand the difference between the different credentials. You'll also find associations that are exclusive to students as well as professional associations that provide student memberships. Add to this the list of study resources, open access or student journals, and internships and you'll soon see a need to bookmark and refer to this page often.

Entering the Workforce

When you graduate with your business degree, you'll need to be prepared with the best resources when you enter the business world. Our resource page is here to help with a full list of resources to help you pass certification exams and locate the necessary job boards focused on your needs.


Those in the fast and furious world of business still need reliable sources of news, big-picture studies, and more. Our Business Resources page is full of links to the best conferences, professional business associations, and news sources, including scholarly journals. You'll even find handy software packages to help you organize your work and optimize your productivity.

Get Business Resources

Business Administration


When you endeavor to a career in business administration, you will need to have the very best information and resources available. Our resource page will help you focus your college search to the best accredited schools. Then, once you're registered for classes, you can rely on our research to start exploring free sources for learning, including journals and other periodicals. On top of this, you'll find information on student aid, associations and journals that provide student access, helpful apps for students, and more.

Entering the Workforce

When you enter the workforce with a degree in business administration, you will still need help to launch the best possible career. You can refer to our page for a list of certification options and job boards. You might even be in the position to hire new talent, so you can use the list of job board for recruiting rather than for being recruited.


Stay on top of your game with our list of conferences, associations, business journals that can keep you on top of current trends and news. You'll find that staying connected to a wider community of business leaders will serve you well.

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Business Management


Business management students will find our resource page extremely useful. You should bookmark the page for information regarding financial aid, finding the best school based on accreditation, and all the other links and tips. As you get deeper into your studies, the journals, study resources, and list of internships will boost your academics and your career prospects, too.

Entering the Workforce

When you near graduation and enter the workforce, you will find that the page's information regarding certifications, job boards, and staffing agencies is indispensable. Even as a student, you might be able to find relevant work experience through one of the listed temporary staffing agencies.


The page will not only help you as a student and entry-level worker but well into your career. You can use it to find a suitable professional association, the best journals to read, and conferences where you can synthesize your knowledge and connect with colleagues from all over the nation, or world.

Get Business Management Resources



If you're a current or aspiring accounting student, you will find resources related to the college search including what to look for in terms of program-specific accreditation. You can also find resources related to professional credentials, such as a CPA license, and how to prepare for those. Meanwhile, during your student years, you can use the page as a source of student journals to read, study resources to help organize your academic life, and internships to get you some hands on experience.

Entering the Workforce

Prior to your entry into the accounting workforce, you can use our accounting page to find resources on certifications, study guides, employment services or job boards, and even accounting-specific temp agencies.


Professional accountants often need to find outlets that offer CEUs, provide current information on their industry, and even new software packages that can help streamline their work. The Accounting Resources page will continue to serve you with a list of professional associations, accounting journals, and a list of conferences that will take you to the next level. There’s also a handy list of commonly used software packages which you might choose to learn in order to expand your skillset.

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Project Management


If a project management degree is your driving passion, our page will help prepare you for the very best, accredited university programs. The study resources will help you prepare for exams and might even be useful as sources for a stellar term paper. In your quest to perfect your time-management skills, you will be able to use one of the apps we list or discover a piece of software that enables you to take your studies to the next level.

Entering the Workforce

To ensure that your career thrives, you'll want to continue to pursue learning and new credentials. A certification or simply specialized coursework in the project management field will look great on a resume. To find an actual job, you can use our list of job boards or staffing agencies that cater to your specific job sector.


Professional project managers will continue to find this page useful. You can find tons of information regarding associations and journals. Both will keep you learning and your finger on the pulse of the project management field. Then, when you attend one of the conferences, you can expand your worldview by attending panel discussions and hearing thought leaders address the topics that mean the most in your professional life.

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Your studies of a finance degree will rocket to the next level when you kick off your studies by seeking fully accredited colleges and universities. The resource page details the accreditations you need to seek out and helps steer you away from those that aren't up to par. Life on campus will become even more fruitful when you find finance related associations or discover national associations that offer student memberships.

Entering the Workforce

The financial sector is constantly changing and you need to be prepared. We offer information on certifications that will help focus your resume to the exact career you desire. There are also study resources listed to help you pass the rigorous examinations required to gain various certifications. The page also includes job boards and temporary staffing agencies that offer the jobs and listings you need to thrive.


Your professional life will only be enhanced with all the information we offer regarding professional associations and other resources. You'll find thorough lists of industry conferences featuring top thought leaders and software tools that will take your practice to the next level. You might even return to the job boards when you need to list openings in your own firm.

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You might be a rugged individualist who prefers to go your own way into the wild and wooly world of entrepreneurship, but our student resources will only help you thrive – on your terms. You'll need insights regarding finding financial aid to pay for school, study resources to boost your academic life, and an internship to lend you even more tools for success.

Entering the Workforce

Entrepreneurs might be trying to avoid landing a job working for someone else, but you often have to start somewhere. Our resource page will point you in the right direction for finding relevant educational and certification options. You might even use the job boards and list of staffing agencies to help build some revenue and cash flow prior to launching your next brilliant business idea. And, networking with other like-minded business professionals is never a bad idea.


Even professional entrepreneurs need to keep learning and developing in their field. Use our page to find the journals, conferences, and networking tools that will help you find the next hot technology or industry opportunity. Eventually, you will be in a position to hire more staff, so the job boards and staffing agencies from the previous section might start sending viable candidates your way.

Get Entrepreneurship Resources



You'll soon find through your studies that marketing is, in part, a practice that involves aggregating and exploiting resources. Along your way as a student, you can use our resource page to find the journals, associations, and internships that will enhance your academic and professional life. You can even learn more about your financial aid options when you’re first starting out and apps that can help you manage your time. When you’re starting your junior or senior year of your marketing degree program, you’ll be able to take advantage of the internship opportunities listed at the end of this section.

Entering the Workforce

Sooner than you can imagine, you'll be entering the workforce with dreams of being a marketing executive. Our page will help you attain that goal with listings of focused job boards and staffing agencies. Though your degree itself will open doors, you can also explore the option of adding a certification to your resume. After all, you need to market yourself now, too.


Once your marketing career is underway, you'll still find the page extremely useful. You might join one of the professional associations we list or attend a conference specifically designed for you. We've even done the hard work of finding software packages that will help you take your marketing career to the next level.

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Computer Science


Computer science is a hot field and there are lots of programs out there to choose from. Our guide will provide the information you need to find the top-accredited school in your area. Once on campus, you'll want to explore the computer science journals we list, as well as the study resources that will help expand on your academic work. You might even land an internship from one of the websites listed.

Entering the Workforce

Though your degree is going to be in high demand, you'll still need a bevy of resources to help focus your job search so that you enter the workforce and embark on the exact career you want. We’ve provided focused staffing agencies and job boards so that you needn't sort through irrelevant postings.


Once you've established yourself as a professional in the high tech sector, it will behoove you to subscribe to one of the trade journals you’ll find here. You'll also love getting out of the office for a weekend at a conference. The thought leaders who speak at the events listed are always enlightening and the vendors may offer just the solutions your firm needs.

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Computer Forensics


Students in the field of computer forensics are already seeing what the future holds, but you'll also need to stay grounded on present-day needs such as financial aid, forensics associations on campus and elsewhere, as well as internship opportunities, among other things. You may even want to research the best programs, and a working knowledge of how accreditation works will certainly help.

Entering the Workforce

Though your field is in high demand, you will still need to arm yourself with solid information so that you can find the exact right certification, examination study tools, and job boards. We even discuss remote work and staffing agencies so that you can find your best springboard to success.


Professional computer forensic experts still find it valuable to continually learn. After all, cyber-criminals are constantly evolving new tools and methods for thwarting old security measures. You'll never stop using the journals, professional associations, and information you find at industry conferences. Soon enough, you might return to the resource page to find the right staffing agency or job board so that you can advertise for a junior forensics expert yourself.

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Software Engineering


Software engineering students need ample resources so that they can learn new coding languages, manage their time effectively, and keep up to date on the latest trends and news in their future industry. This page offers that and more, including pointers for finding the right student or professional association, studying up on pertinent topics, or landing an internship prior to venturing in to the real job market.

Entering the Workforce

After graduation, you will need a quick and easy reference to find focused staffing agencies, job boards, and even certifications. After all, in the high-tech sector, you will find that your university degree is just one piece of the puzzle. You'll also need study resources to help pass your certification exams, and information regarding professional associations for your specialty area.


Professional software developers never stop learning. After all, the high tech sector is constantly evolving new technologies and new software needed to help support those technologies. The resource page will direct you to the proper associations, conferences, and journals that keep your career just one step ahead of the curve.

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Cyber Security


There are special accreditation agencies that you need to learn about prior to finding a cyber security program. Your college career will also benefit when you explore the campus associations that cater to your field. There are even professional associations that offer student memberships, some of which we've listed for you. On top of this, our financial aid information will prove vital to funding your education without creating too much long-term debt.

Entering the Workforce

You can't simply hack your way into a job, unless you choose to be a penetration tester that is. That aside, you can use our lists of focused, cyber security job boards and staffing agencies to help you find your perfect career. Further, you may need to explore additional credentials in the form of a certification. If so, you'll appreciate the resources we’ve found that can help you study for, and pass, your certification examination.


Your professional life must continue to evolve if you're going to stay a few steps ahead of the cyber-criminals that are multiplying like mushrooms. You can do this by becoming a regular reader of the trade journals and periodicals, some of which we've listed here. You can then boost your knowledge an understanding with a cyber security conference, where you can mingle with hackers from all over the internet.

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Database Administration


As a current or future student of database administration, our helpful resource page will help you discover the best and most highly-accredited programs. You'll learn more about how to structure your financial aid package and even how to manage your life on campus. When it comes to academics, you'll find journals that will inform your classwork and may give you a boost on papers and other assignments. Finally, we'll help prepare you to launch a brilliant career with an internship you can complete before you even graduate.

Entering the Workforce

Ultimately the goal of your school work is to become a professional database administrator. This resource page will help you find job boards, staffing agencies, and even remote work options to do so. You'll also get information on building your credentials with certifications and our study resources will help you study and pass the exams. Before you know it, you'll be leading your own team.


When your career is well underway, you can still turn to our resource page for information regarding professional associations. They will provide you with informative journals and other periodicals. Ultimately, you'll have the opportunity to attend the conferences on our list and maybe you’ll even be a keynote speaker or lead a panel discussion for other database professionals.

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Computer Networking


When you start looking for a computer networking program, you'll need to start using our resource page. There, you'll discover that computer-related programs have special accreditations that you should look for. When you arrive on campus, you can refer back to this page to find campus-specific and nationwide associations that connect computing professionals and provide them with loads of academic and other materials.

Entering the Workforce

As graduation looms, you should look back to this resource page and find an internship where you can demonstrate your skills and accrue valuable experience. We also have gathered links to pertinent job boards, staffing agencies, and opportunities for remote work, as well as information on certifications and study materials to help you pass their examinations.


As a high tech worker, you'll need to stay up-to-date with the latest news and technologies. Our list of journals, conferences, and associations will ensure that your finger is on the pulse of your industry. You will also find outlets that provide continuing education materials so that you can attain or maintain a certification. Soon, you may be a featured part of one of the listed national conferences.

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Counseling is a calling for many, perhaps it is for you too. Our counseling resource page can help you discern which program is the best based on their accreditation. You'll also learn more about financial aid, including grants and scholarships for counseling students. Furthermore, you will find associations to join as a student, journals that inspire, and more. You can use this page for many years to come.

Entering the Workforce

As graduation looms, many of your peers may be concerned about their next step. However, you'll have loads of resources to help you bridge the gap to your next chapter. You'll find outlets for internships, staffing agencies for the mental health field, and study resources that will help you pass certification exams.


Once you have a counseling career and a successful practice you can still return to this resource page and gain something from it. You can find journals that will provide new insights and approaches to your practice as well as software package that can help you manage billing and other administrative tasks. You may even find conferences that are dying to hear you present your latest paper.

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If you are fascinated by the human mind and behavior, you should consider a path in psychology. Our resource page will prepare you to find the best accredited program. Once on campus, our list of student-friendly associations will direct you to the best campus or professional association. You'll even find information regarding financial aid, internships, and informative journals packed with knowledge. As your undergraduate psychology studies come to a close, you can refer to our page and find internships that will help you apply your knowledge and accrue experience to help launch your professional life.

Entering the Workforce

Here, you'll find resources to help you choose a useful certification and pass your certification exam, as well as job boards for psychology professionals and staffing agencies that cater to your specific goals.


Whether you enter the workforce as a counselor, an academic, or a researcher, our resources will help enhance your professional life. Turn to this page to find professional associations that will bolster your existing knowledge with their journals and conferences as well as software packages to help you better manage your life and work.

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Criminal Justice


When you start looking for a criminal justice program, you should start off by exploring the accreditation issues associated with that field. Our criminal justice resource page will inform you as to the best accreditation credentials to look for. Once you become a student of CJ, you can use our page to find informative journals and periodicals pertinent to your work. You will also find special apps to help keep you organized and internships to help launch a brilliant career.

Entering the Workforce

Soon enough graduation will loom, and our resource page can help set you on a pathway to success. We list special job boards and agencies that work specifically with CJ professionals. You can even find options for certifications that will help you focus and specialize your career.


Your long-term career will also benefit from our resource page. We will direct you to the best professional associations where you can network and collaborate with colleagues. There are also journals related to CJ that will inform you of the latest studies, legislation, and more. You may even find a conference that offers enlightening speakers and panel discussions.

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Your law career begins the day you start looking for an undergraduate program. Our resources will help you determine which schools provide the most solid foundations for a legal career. You can find student organizations for future lawyers and professional associations that allow student members. We also have a bevy of outlets that will help inform your pre-law studies and internships that will set the stage for a brilliant career.

Entering the Workforce

When it comes time to leave school and enter the workforce, you'll need a list of job boards and staffing agencies that are specific to the legal profession. You might find clerkships or special clinics to work for. On the other hand, you might move directly into a top firm. Whatever your path, you'll be armed with solid, helpful information.


Attorneys all need to stay current with the most recent rulings, legislation, and general news regarding their profession. We can direct you towards the best outlets for that information. We also provide guidance for finding the best legal conferences that focus on your specialty practice area.

Get Law Resources



If you have decided on a career as a paralegal, you will need to first find the best, accredited program for your field. When you learn more about accreditations from our page you will find the very best program for you. We also help you with insights into financial aid, direct you towards the most enlightening journals, and help you with study resources that take your studies to the next level.

Entering the Workforce

You want to enter the paralegal field armed with the best information so that you can form a successful career. Our page has specialized job boards and staffing agencies that will help you find the very best entry-level position for you. If you desire a special certification, we have study resources to help you pass the examination, and more.


Far into your career you will still need to seek out fresh materials that keep you up-to-date on the comings and goings of your career. You may be interested to learn about professional associations, legal journals for your practice area, and industry conferences. You might even put together a panel to help guide and inform future paralegals.

Get Paralegal Resources



If educating tomorrows leaders is your passion, our education resource page will be there to help guide you to your ultimate success. We offer loads of outlets that direct you towards student-friendly associations, enlightening open access or student journals, and loads of electronic and other tools to set you up for success.

Entering the Workforce

Prior to entering a school, you want to know what your options are and the best ways to approach them. You need to know what your options are for licensure, where to find a job, and opportunities for temporary or short-term positions. You might even discover opportunities that you never knew were possible.


You'll still be able to refer to our resource page long into your career. We list the top journals and associations you need to continue learning, accruing CEUs, and developing as an educator. No matter whether you are in the classroom or administration, you need to keep abreast of the latest research and legislation. Who knows? You may one day attain a leadership position in your professional association.

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Early Childhood Education


If you love the idea of teaching children, you should consult our resource page and discover how to determine which is the best professional preparation program for you. We have shared information regarding financial aid including scholarships and grants, student loans, and more. You'll also find materials that will help inform and develop you as a student in the art of teaching.

Entering the Workforce

As you near the end of your studies and prepare to enter the workforce, our resources will help guide the way. We list job boards that are specific to your field.


When you are in the middle of your well-established career, you will still need to keep learning and earning CEUs. We have linked to top educational journals, professional associations, and industry conferences available. This way, you can keep up to date with what's happening in ECE research and legislation. You may also want to attend an enlightening conference where you can find community with fellow professionals.

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Educational Leadership


If you want to become a top administrator in a school system, you will need the best education. We can help you understand the importance of accreditation and which credentials to look for before you apply to a program. When you hit campus, we have found the best student-friendly, national associations. We even have found study resources and apps that can help you excel in the classroom.

Entering the Workforce

When your academic career comes to an end, and you can see your professional career on the horizon, we can continue to prepare you for success. We sought out the top job boards for you. That way, you can focus on the work you need to do without endless searches.


When your career is well underway, you can still refer back to our page of resources for educational leaders. You may discover that you need to join a professional association to pursue the leadership position you want or maybe you want to receive their journal, available only to members. You can also find loads of conferences for your profession where you can join a nationwide community of educators.

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Language acquisition is fascinating and, if that is the field for you, we have the resources to back you up. Prior to applying to a program, you'll want to read about how to find the schools with the best accreditation. Then you can learn more about financial aid options. Once you're enrolled and hitting the books, we can direct you to the best organizations to join, the best journals to read, and even apps to keep you on top of your game.

Entering the Workforce

When your school days start coming to a close, you'll want to direct your attention to the sources we found to help you in the working world. Career-focused job boards, temporary staffing agencies, and even jobs abroad are all on our ESL resource page.


ESL professionals still need to keep learning and developing in their careers. You can find resources that direct you to the best professional associations, where you will find colleagues eager to share experiences and information. There are also great journals that can inform you on cutting edge approaches for pedagogy and curriculum.

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Special Education


SPED is a fantastic calling for very unique people. We support your career goals with resources to help you make the most of your talents and passions. You'll find information regarding program specific accreditation, financial aid, and organizations you can join that will enhance your overall learning and growth.

Entering the Workforce

When you are ready to leave school and enter the workforce, you will need as much information as possible. We've done the research to find the best information on licensing options. After all, there are many SPED specialty areas to choose from. You will also find job boards that are meant for people with your exact skills and knowledge.


Well into your career you will find that it's vital to continue learning and growing. There are journals and other outlets that can help you refine your work with guidelines for best practices. Professional associations can help connect you with other SPED professionals and industry conferences that will prove enlightening and rejuvenating.

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Health and Wellness


Before you apply to a health and wellness program, first consult our resource page. We have studied the accreditations that matter most in that field to help you find the best programs. We also help you through your life on campus with information regarding the best journals to read, study resources to augment your classroom learning, and organizations to join and find community.

Entering the Workforce

Before you graduate, think about referring back to this resource. We can guide you towards the best certification options and even help you find study resources to help pass your exams. Once you've tossed your mortarboard, we have specialized job boards and staffing agencies that are eager to speak with you.


Health and wellness professionals still must continue learning and growing. You can use this page to find the best professional associations for you, top journals in the field, and industry conferences. When you engage with health and wellness colleagues, the shared knowledge and insight will thrust your career to new heights.

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Healthcare Administration


Healthcare is one of the top industries in the nation. Before you embark into a healthcare administration program, you should check out our resource page. Here, you'll learn about the best accreditation credentials, financial aid, and even which organizations are the best for students to join. We’ll also help you find apps and online resources to help you succeed in your academic career.

Entering the Workforce

Before you get your first job in healthcare administration, you should review our section on certification options, study resources for those certification exams, and job boards and staffing agencies that specialize in jobs for people just like you.


As for once you’ve found your dream job as a healthcare administrator, we've done some research to find the best professional associations for your specific field. We've also found journals and other periodicals to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry. And you can also find a list of industry conferences where you can find community with colleagues nationwide.

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Healthcare Management


When you choose to enter healthcare management, we can help you find the best program available by discussing the accreditations you should search for. You can also learn about the options available for your financial aid package, find an organization to join as a student, and even direct you to open access or student journals you might wish to read. From deep academic knowledge to your daily schedule, our resources have you covered.

Entering the Workforce

As you near the inevitable job search, our resource page can continue to help prepare you to succeed. You may wish to explore your options regarding certifications and thus will also need study guides to help pass the examinations. We also have found job boards that are focused on your career goals, and healthcare management staffing agencies, too.


Healthcare management professionals still need to have outside resources to help keep themselves and their work lives healthy and growing. We've researched the best professional associations, journals, and conferences for your chosen profession. Your membership and involvement in an association will provide a level of activity and engagement that will be exciting for you but also beneficial for your team and healthcare system.

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Health Education


If you have a passion for health, this is a good field to pursue. We've researched the field and have discovered the best accrediting agencies so you can look for them along your way to applying to college. Once you've been accepted to a top school, we help you organize your approach to financial aid, student organizations, and even specialized apps to ensure that you thrive on campus.

Entering the Workforce

Before you graduate, consult our resource page where you can find opportunities for internships, certifications, and even study guides to help you pass your certification examination. When you are ready to enter the working world, we've found job boards with your specific focus in mind. You'll also find temporary staffing agencies for your field if you have trouble finding a full-time position or just want to try something new.


When you're deep in your career, our resources will continue to serve you. It will prove vital to join a professional association that will provide you with a journal to help expand your knowledge of your field. You can also find conferences where you can be enlightened by top industry leaders and find stimulating discussions among your colleagues.

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Before you enroll in a nursing program, you might want to consult this page to ensure that your school has the best accreditation. Once you're in, look to us for pointers on finding the best campus or national organizations to join. You will also want to study our sections on financial aid, student journals, and internships.

Entering the Workforce

Towards the end of your nursing education, you will want to start considering your upcoming career choices. Our resources can help you discover the precise certifications you need to succeed. Then, we can direct you to the study aids you need to pass the examinations. Furthermore, we have found the job boards and staffing agencies that are focused on helping nurses thrive.


Well into your nursing career, you will love having resources to guide you towards the best professional nursing associations. It will also be hugely beneficial to have access to journals and other periodicals so that you are up to speed on the industry's best practices and scientific studies. Finally, you'll love time away from work at a conference where you will be able to build a nationwide community of nursing professionals.

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Public Health


Before you venture off to keep the world safe from disease, you'll want to check out our public health resources page. Here you'll find information on the best accreditation for your college program. You'll also appreciate the financial aid information as well as info to help you find a great campus or national organization to join.

Entering the Workforce

Towards the end of your college career, you'll need to start exploring how you’re going to join the workforce. We can help with information on specific certifications to help focus your resume as well as the study resources you'll need to pass these certification exams. Furthermore, we've researched job boards and staffing agencies that specialize in the public health field.


Even if you're deep into your profession, you can still refer back to our resources. That's because we've found the top professional associations you'll want to join. After all, it's vital to form a professional community outside of work. To take that a step further, you will love the list of conferences that offer an enlightening working vacation where you will meet the larger public health professional community.

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Medical Coding and Billing


Before you embark on a career in medical coding and billing, you'll want to read and bookmark our resources page. There you'll discover tips on how to find the best program according to their accreditation. You'll learn loads about financial aid, student journals in the field, and apps that help you keep it all organized.

Entering the Workforce

Towards the end of your schooling, use the resource page to find more information on certification options and the study materials you'll need to pass the examination. Though your field is in high demand, it will be enormously beneficial to use our researched job boards and staffing agencies. They are focused on your specific area of expertise.


Once your career is off the ground, you can still use our resources to discover the best professional associations. Membership in an association can help you stay up-to-date on your continuing education, including a journal subscription and industry conferences. Those gatherings are a great opportunity to network, learn, and perhaps discover new outlets for your skills.

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Graphic Design


Graphic design is a fascinating field that is almost more technical than artistic. With our resource guide, you can discover the accrediting agencies that certify the best programs. You'll also find guidelines for financial aid and student-friendly organizations where you can learn and network with other designers. You might even discover student-run journals where you can submit your best work.

Entering the Workforce

Graphic design is a competitive field. Thus, it will be to your best interest to gain an advantage vis-a-vis our resource page. We have information on internships, job boards, and even certification options. The staffing agencies on our page are focused on graphic arts so you won't need to search around for the posts that are meant for you.


Professional designers know that you need to keep learning if you're going to stay a step ahead of the competition. To achieve that you need a graphic design resource page that lists professional associations, national conferences, design journals, and news on the latest design software. With this combination, you will be prepared to meet fellow pros and stay up to date on the latest trends in the design world.

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When you decided to become a journalist, part of that decision involves aggregating resources. Our resource page will help you in that process. You'll find information on assessing schools based on accreditation, financing tuition with student aid, and even broadening your network through local and national association memberships. You'll find all the tools you need to launch a brilliant career.

Entering the Workforce

By the time you are getting ready to graduate, you'll be used to using the resource page. You'll then need to review the sections that list job boards and staffing agencies who specialize in journalism and media jobs. You might also look for an internship or special certifications. For instance, you could do some post-college work at a journalism institute or for a smaller paper.


Once you are an established journalist, editor, or other media worker, you can still use our resource page to find professional associations that provide the opportunity to network, industry journals to keep you up to date, and more. Many will have industry conferences that are enlightening and may even allow you the opportunity to lead a panel discussion or perhaps one day become a keynote speaker.

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Public Speaking


If you are thinking of becoming a student of public speaking, you will appreciate the list of resources we've gathered for you. Our public speaking resource page will inform you as to who accredits the best programs, how to structure your student aid, and which organizations are the best to join. You'll even discover top notch journals to augment your classroom work.

Entering the Workforce

As you begin to transition from school to work, it's important to explore professional certifications and the study guides you'll need to pass their exams. You'll also appreciate that we've done the research and have provided you with job boards and staffing agencies that are specific to your line of work.


Once you're established as a professional, you can still refer to our resources. One key addition to your professional life will be membership in a professional association. When you have an organization that supports your growth and development, there's nothing you can't do. You'll love the educational materials they provide, including the conferences, where you can meet colleagues from all over the nation, if not the world.

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