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Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) is a medium-sized public college located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. With its urban campus, CVTC serves students from the surrounding, eleven-county area. CVTC offers various undergraduate programs and has a diverse student body, attracting over 8,000 students. The college prides itself on its outstanding placement rate and works closely with local industries to ensure students are well-prepared for the workforce upon graduation. They also provide an excellent 14 to 1 student-to-faculty ratio.

Overview of Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC)

CVTC's student population reflects a range of ages, with both traditional and non-traditional students pursuing their educational goals. The college offers a supportive learning environment with a low student-faculty ratio, allowing for personalized attention and mentorship. Tuition costs at CVTC are affordable, with opportunities for financial aid and grants. The college also has partnerships with advisory committees and industry leaders to provide students with real-world experiences and prepare them for their chosen careers.

CVTC offers a blend of traditional classroom settings and innovative hybrid formats, allowing students to tailor their education to their needs. The college is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including the Business Education Center, Health Education Center, and Manufacturing Education Center.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting City: Small
Campus Housing No
Student Faculty Ratio 13:1
Graduation Rate 47%
Year Founded NA

Student Enrollment

Total Students7,367


Undergraduate Student

Male 3,241
Female 4,126

Graduate Student

Male 0
Female 0

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CVTC Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male NA
Female NA


Male NA
Female NA

Acceptance RateNA

Male NA
Female NA

Enrollment NA

Male NA
Female NA
Application Fee $30
High School GPA NA
High School Rank NA
High School Transcripts NA
College Prep Courses NA
Recommendations NA
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) NA
Application Deadline NA
Common Application Accepted NA

CVTC Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Tuition costs at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) vary for in-state and out-of-state students. In-state students, who are residents of Wisconsin, typically pay lower tuition rates, though exact rates may shift depending on the program you choose to complete.

Even so, for the 2022-23 academic year, the average tuition for in-state students at CVTC was $4,642. This includes the cost of instruction and other mandatory fees. Out-of-state students, on the other hand, paid an average of $6,793.

The difference in fees between in-state and out-of-state students is primarily due to state funding. As a public college, CVTC receives financial support from the state government, which allows them to offer lower tuition rates for in-state students. Those students who do not contribute to state taxes are charged a higher rate to compensate for the lack of state funding.

It’s important to note that these figures are averages and actual tuition costs may vary depending on the program of study and other factors. Additionally, financial aid options, such as scholarships and grants, may help offset some of the tuition expenses for both in-state and out-of-state students. Overall, CVTC strives to provide affordable education opportunities for students.

Average net price Current Year
Net Price $10,050
Average Total Aid $5,499
Students Receiving Financial Aid 77%
Room & Board $7,636

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $4,505
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $6,589
  • Books and Supplies - $1,973
  • Room & Board - $7,636
  • Other - $3,853

Popular Academic Programs at CVTC

Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) offers a wide range of programs and courses to cater to the diverse educational goals of its students. With programs spanning various industries, students can choose from fields such as business, health sciences, construction trades, information technology, and more.

CVTC provides specialized programs that prepare students for specific careers in their chosen fields. Through these programs students can pursue associate degrees, technical diplomas, and certificates to gain specialized knowledge and skills. The college takes pride in its highly qualified and experienced faculty members who bring real-world expertise to the classroom. With a low student-faculty ratio, students at CVTC can benefit from personalized attention and mentorship. This ensures a high-quality education with ample opportunities for academic growth and success.

CVTC has established strong partnerships and industry connections, which enhance the academic opportunities available to its students. These connections provide valuable resources, internships, and job placement opportunities, giving students a competitive edge in the job market upon graduation.

Student Population Total

Student Population 7,367

Evening Classes : No
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Business Majors NA Total Graduates / NA

Outcome & Salary

Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) is dedicated to providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the workforce. As a result, graduates from CVTC can expect excellent employment outcomes and opportunities. The graduation rate from the school is a bit low at 46%. However, there is also a 9% transfer-out rate, indicating that some of those students who do not graduate from this institution are still prepared to graduate elsewhere.

Job placement statistics at CVTC are very positive, with a high rate of graduates finding employment in their fields shortly after completing their programs. 95% of graduates are employed within six months of graduation, and 82% of these are employed in the field in which they received training. Many students are able to secure jobs even before graduation, thanks to partnerships and connections with local employers in the area that CVTC serves.

Not only are graduates finding employment, but they are also enjoying competitive starting salaries. The average starting salary for CVTC graduates is solid and often meets the national average. These starting salaries reflect the value that employers place on the skills and knowledge gained through CVTC programs.

CVTC also provides a range of support services including academic advising, tutoring, and career counseling, to ensure that students have the resources they need to excel.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $45,600
College Grads Average Salary $35,700
College Grads Mid Career Salary $62,600
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $357,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $983,000
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $40,200
10 Year Projected ROI $316,800
20 Year Projected ROI $942,800
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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