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Northwood Technical College (Northwood Tech) is a dynamic institution that offers a wide range of programs and courses to help students achieve their academic and career goals. Located in Northwestern Wisconsin, Northwood Tech provides a supportive and flexible learning environment for students of all backgrounds.

Overview of Northwood Technical College (Northwood Tech)

Northwood Tech College (Northwood Tech) provides programs in areas like business, health, public safety, and industrial trades. No matter your goals - whether they involve earning a degree, certificate, or simply upgrading your skillset - Northwood Tech has programs and options that can meet them all.

Northwood Tech stands out among competing institutions by providing students with personalized attention and support from faculty and staff. Thanks to small class sizes, dedicated instructors, and a low student-to-faculty ratio of 5 to 1 - students can engage in meaningful discussions while receiving tailored feedback, providing them with everything they need for academic success.

Northwood Tech provides not only traditional classroom instruction, but also online courses, programs, and flexible scheduling options designed to accommodate working adults and non-traditional students. This allows them to balance their education with other obligations more easily while attaining their academic goals.

Northwood Tech provides students with hands-on learning experiences that equip them for success in the workforce. Many programs include internships, externships, or clinical rotations that provide real world experience and allow students to build connections within their chosen field.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting Rural: Distant
Campus Housing No
Student Faculty Ratio 7 : 1
Graduation Rate 63%
Year Founded 1912

Student Enrollment

Total Students2,818


Undergraduate Student

Male 1,014
Female 1,804

Graduate Student

Male 0
Female 0

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Northwood Tech Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male N/A
Female N/A


Male N/A
Female N/A

Acceptance RateN/A

Male N/A
Female N/A

Enrollment N/A

Male N/A
Female N/A
Application Fee $30
High School GPA N/A
High School Rank N/A
High School Transcripts N/Ad
College Prep Courses N/A
Recommendations N/A
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) N/A
Application Deadline N/A
Common Application Accepted N/A

Northwood Tech Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Attending college is a major financial commitment, and understanding the costs associated with tuition is crucial for prospective students considering Northwood Technical College. Northwood Tech offers a variety of programs and courses to help students achieve their academic and career goals, but you must also ensure that your education will not leave you with excessive debt.

Northwood Technical College tuition costs depend on several factors, including residency status and study program. Wisconsin residents usually pay around $138 per credit for associate degree programs while non-resident tuition stands at approximately $209 compared to other colleges in Wisconsin. In the 2023-24 academic year, first year students from within the state paid an average of $4,524 in tuition costs, while those from out-of-state paid closer to $6,600.

Students should also consider other expenses beyond tuition when budgeting their expenses including fees, textbooks and supplies, and housing and food costs. Fees for services and facilities can quickly add up over the semester, textbooks and course materials are often costly though renting or buying used books may provide savings opportunities, and housing and food can be a surprise expense students don’t consider ahead of time.

Northwood Tech offers on-campus housing at an economical rate to assist students looking to reduce housing costs. Living on campus provides students with a supportive living environment as well as opportunities to connect with fellow students and campus resources.

Financial aid is available to help offset the costs of tuition and other expenses at Northwood Technical College. Students are encouraged to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their eligibility for grants, scholarships, and loans. Additionally, Northwood Tech offers scholarships and work-study programs to help students cover the costs of their education.

Average net price Current Year
Net Price $9,803
Average Total Aid $5,199
Students Receiving Financial Aid 84%
Room & Board $7,636

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $4,917
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $7,084
  • Books and Supplies - $1,974
  • Room & Board - $7,636
  • Other - $3,854

Popular Academic Programs at Northwood Tech

Northwood Technical College is a premier institution that offers a wide range of academic programs to help students achieve their career goals. With a focus on hands-on learning and real-world experience, Northwood Tech provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's competitive job market.

Northwood Tech stands out among colleges by its array of academic offerings. These academic choices allow students to pursue the fields that most interest them and their passions. Northwood Tech goes beyond providing comprehensive academic programs by supplying its students with all the resources and support necessary for them to excel at their studies. It offers modern classrooms, labs, and equipment so that students have access to cutting-edge tools and technologies; faculty members are experienced professionals dedicated to helping their students reach success.

Northwood Tech also offers a range of support services to help students navigate their academic journey. From academic advising and tutoring to career counseling and job placement assistance, the college is committed to helping students achieve their goals both in and out of the classroom.

Student Population Total

Student Population 2,818

Evening Classes : Yes
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Majors N/A

Outcome & Salary

One of the hallmarks of Northwood Technical College graduates is their high rate of employment within six months of graduating, which can be attributed to its emphasis on practical skills training and industry partnerships, providing students with real-world experience and contacts. Graduates typically find themselves well equipped to meet employer demands seamlessly transition into their chosen careers paths.

Northwood Technical College graduates stand out among national averages with regard to salary potential after graduating, thanks to the focused and specialized nature of programs available there. Graduates often command higher salaries in industries in demand after leaving Northwood Technical College; this financial stability attests not only to quality education received at Northwood but also its importance placed upon career readiness and success.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary N/A
College Grads Average Salary $65,000
College Grads Mid Career Salary N/A
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $650,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential N/A
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $39,212
10 Year Projected ROI $610,788
20 Year Projected ROI N/A
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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