What is School Counseling?
South Carolina is a Southeastern state that was host to much of the nation's early history. Today, it's a bustling economy that includes automotive manufacturing, fishing along the coast, agriculture in the midlands, and even tech and business services. The coastline is also a popular destination for tourists who love to visit historic Charleston, resorts on Hilton Head Island, and Myrtle Beach.
Given the fact that foreign automakers have made South Carolina a home for their manufacturing facilities, South Carolina's top industrial sector is manufacturing. So far, South Carolina has attracted automotive firms such as BMW, Mercedes Benz Van Group, Magna, and Volvo. Given the current growth in the electric vehicle sector, The Palmetto State could soon see Korean or other international EV makers building plants in this business friendly environment.
The second largest industrial sector in South Carolina is real estate. This sector dominates many state economies and South Carolina's growth surely boosts its real estate market. In fact, the state's real estate sales, leasing, and rentals bring in annual revenues that exceed $29 billion. South Carolina's real estate market is the 25th largest in the nation.
The state also brings in a lot of revenue from its social service sector, which includes educational services and healthcare. This sector brings the state over $17 billion in annual revenue, ranking it #28 nationwide. Naturally, this sector includes teachers, mental health counselors, and school counselors, as well. Thus, school counseling degrees are a vital part of what helps keep South Carolina vital and growing.
The legislature acknowledges this key part of the state's economy and they seek to support the state's school counseling degree programs. After all, school counselors can help students overcome various personal obstacles and move on to become the business leaders of tomorrow. South Carolina's community colleges and public university’s school counseling degree programs then utilize the state funding to attract and maintain their excellent faculties. They seek out the nation's top school counseling academics and local practitioners to offer their students a breadth of knowledge. This way, students can learn the latest in school counseling research from the full-time, tenured faculty and also find great inspiration from local school counselors. When local counselors bring their special insights from the South Carolina economy, students feel better prepared to succeed as school counseling professionals.
Students looking to complete a counselor education program will have plenty of options on their way to working as a licensed professional counselor (LPC). These options may include South Carolina State University, Clemson University, and other options that can provide an in-depth understanding of the field.
A school counselor is an educational professional who is credentialed to work one-on-one with students who are having a difficult time in school. All school counselors are required to earn a master’s school counseling degree and to satisfy the state's other licensure requirements, too. It's not uncommon for school counselors to earn a PhD to increase their salary from the board of education. School counselors even take a version of the PRAXIS examination that teachers are required to pass for their teaching credentials.
School counselors not only work in schools, which is their primary place of employment, but they can also work in private practice. In fact, many school counselors who retire choose to maintain their state licensure to practice as counselors and open their own offices. Some even choose to teach college part-time or to even take a position where they counsel post-secondary students.

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Online School Counseling Education in South Carolina
School counselors are educational professionals who are required to hold special credentials to practice counseling. Like their peers in mental health counseling, school counselors are required to hold a master’s school counseling degree, pass a professional counseling exam, and to pass the school counseling PRAXIS examination.
To become a school counselor, it’s not necessary to complete a teacher preparation degree or to earn a teaching credential, though some students do follow this route. Many school counselors earn psychology degrees for their undergraduate work and then enroll in master’s school counseling degree programs to earn their license.
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Online Associates (AS)
An associate degree in counseling or a related field is a great way to get started in a counseling career. Though a two-year associate school counseling degree is not sufficient for state licensure, it can help students land work in the mental health field and decide if they truly wish to continue in this specialty or find another career path. An associate counseling degree may help with earning licensure as an addiction counselor; that credential is not enough to work one-on-one in a psychotherapeutic environment but is sufficient to work with troubled individuals in a rehabilitation facility. This experience can prove invaluable for any student who is moving forward into a counseling career.
An associate degree is a great idea for many reasons. One chief advantage it has is the cost. South Carolina's community colleges charge far less per credit hour for courses that every student in a bachelor’s degree program will be required to take.
Online Bachelors (BS)
A bachelor’s school counseling degree is a necessary step along the way to becoming a licensed school counseling professional in South Carolina. This degree will still not be enough to qualify for state licensure, but it will help students when they apply for a master’s school counseling degree program.
In fact, there are few, if any, undergraduate degrees for school counseling. However, students might choose to study subjects such as psychology, social work, or sociology as a way to prepare for the graduate school application process. Along the way, students who know they want to work as school counselors can gain experience working with children. Once they complete their bachelor’s degree, they might even work as substitute teachers for a year or so. In fact, many teacher prep graduates earn their teaching credential, teach for a few years, then return to school for a master’s counseling degree. Experience in schools will be invaluable when it comes time to apply for a school counseling position.
check out the hardest majorsOnline Masters (MS)
A master’s school counseling degree is the minimum academic requirement for any school counselor. Students need to complete a school counseling degree in a program that is fully accredited and acknowledged by the South Carolina School Board. Sometimes, school counseling degrees are a part of an MEd program. There are also dedicated master's school counseling degree programs with core courses covering counseling theories and techniques, human services, and more. Regardless, students will want to confirm that their accredited school counseling degree program can support their journey to school counseling licensure. Accredited programs are a requirement for anyone hoping to earn licensure. Students at this level will be able to choose from a variety of specializations, which may include individual and group counseling, primary or secondary school counseling, clinical counseling, a counselor education program, clinical mental health counseling, family therapy, child development and human development, and other related educational programs.
Master's school counseling degree programs will help students prepare to earn their licenses. That includes practicums that put students in the counselor's seat. This practical experience is part of the South Carolina Board's set of requirements for licensure, on top of passing exams and logging significant hours of work under close supervision. Students should also be prepared for a background check and to provide letters of reference.
Read the UniversityHQ National Online Rankings for an masters in school counselingOnline Doctorate (PhD)
School counseling is a field that immediately rewards students who earn a doctorate in school counseling. South Carolina schools base their pay schedules, in part, on one's level of academic achievement. Thus, school counselors who want to achieve the highest pay grade for a South Carolina school employee may want to seek their doctorate degree.
A PhD or doctorate in school counseling will also pay off in the private sector. Sometimes school counselors retire and start a private practice in the community. This opens more opportunities in terms of the variety of clients they can see, as well as the ability to involve a child's family in the therapy sessions. Insurers also pay higher hourly rates to those with doctorate counseling degrees. On top of this, counselors with a doctorate degree might choose a second career in educational consulting or even in school administration. After all, a doctorate is often sought when districts seek out principals for their schools. And those who wish to give the best start possible to new counselors can teach at the collegiate level with a doctorate.
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Become a School Counselor in South Carolina
It's not easy to become a school counselor in South Carolina. However, the steps it takes to earn the required credentials are, thankfully, well defined. Students who are eager to help growing students manage the vagaries of growing up, and school life in general, can start their journey with a college degree.
Those who start out in one of South Carolina's fine community colleges should focus on a related degree, such as psychology or even sociology. Upon entering a four-year college or university to complete their bachelor’s degree, students will most likely be best served with a psychology degree. That curriculum will provide the courses that are necessary to move forward into a counseling career.
Along the way to a bachelor’s psychology degree, students should look for opportunities to engage with young kids. Students should first identify the age group that most interests them for their eventual career in school counseling. Generally, you can choose between elementary school aged kids, middle grades (early adolescence), and high school kids. There are often part time opportunities available with after school programs, or even as a sports coach. This time spent working with kids will be helpful later when you are applying for a full-time school counseling position.
Toward the end of a bachelor’s degree program, students should start looking for the best master’s school counseling degree program for them. At this juncture, students might consider consulting with their academic advisor to ensure that their transcript will reflect the required courses. Once enrolled in a master's school counseling degree program, things really get started.
Master's school counseling degree students who are in a program recognized by the South Carolina Board are in good hands. Along the way to a graduate degree, counseling students should make sure that they complete three graduate semester hours in both psychopathology and diagnostics. They will also need to pass the school psychologist exam level II or III as per the PRAXIS School Psychology Exam administered by the Educational Training Service (ETS).
To complete the licensure process, students will need experience. The Board requires two consecutive years of experience as a school psychologist. One of those years must be supervised by a licensed psycho-educational specialist.
Those who are still looking for a way to improve their career chances can earn a certification, such as an addictions counseling certificate or a career development facilitator certificate. They can also join associations, such as the American School Counselor Association.
Careers for School Counseling Graduates
- School Counselor
This is a state licensed position that requires a master's school counseling degree, ample experience, and successful passage of a professional exam, among other requirements. School counselors apply their counseling skills to help students navigate growing up in a school system. - Career Counselor
This position is usually held by professionals with a master's degree, especially those who work in colleges. Career counselors help students assess their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their overall career aspirations. They also spend a lot of time administering job fairs where local and national employers come to recruit students. - Marriage and Family Therapist
These mental health counselors work exclusively with couples and their families. To start this career, it’s necessary to complete a graduate degree in marriage and family counseling and to complete the requirements for state licensure. Every license must be renewed every two years, or on the schedule prescribed in one's state. - Social Worker
This is a position most often found in government social services agencies. However, private, non-profit organizations also employ social workers, including hospitals. Social workers most often help their clients find the information and resources they need to accomplish their goals. There are also licensed, clinical social workers who conduct psychotherapy with individual clients. - Substance Abuse Counselor
This field is open to the full range of academic degrees. However, only those with a master's degree or better can conduct individual therapy sessions. Substance abuse counselors are a vital part of society, especially in light of the opioid crisis. - Behavioral Disorder Counselor
When people have problems with their behavior and psychological make-up, they see a behavioral disorder counselor. This is a licensed position that requires a master's degree, successful passage of an exam, and other required steps. - Special Education Teacher
This educational specialty covers a wide spectrum of students. Some work with autistic students but there are SPED teachers who work with developmentally disabled, hearing impaired, blind, and students with learning disorders. SPED teachers must create a detailed Individual Educational Plan for each of their students. - Postsecondary Psychology Teacher
This is a career choice that many psychology students opt for. To teach at the post-secondary level, professionals need at least a master's degree in psychology. Those with a doctorate in psychology can land full-time, tenure track positions, which aren't often available to those with only a master's degree. - College Counselor
These counselors are not licensed, nor do they conduct psychotherapy. Rather, college counselors help students focus their efforts on the requirements of higher education. College counselors also help students who may have left college after a year or so and now want to return. They help students identify the best degree programs for them and then assist with the application process. - Mental Health Technician
These mental health workers assist psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, often in mental health facilities. Technicians may administer medications to patients. They also perform tasks such as transporting patients, restraining patients who are having an outburst, and other aspects of daily life in a psychiatric facility.
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