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Welcome to our guide on accelerated communications degrees. Whether you're seeking a fast-track program to jumpstart your career or reduce time and costs on education, accelerated degrees may provide the ideal solution. Here, we’ll examine their advantages, available online options, and what degrees are available through these programs.

What is an Accelerated Degree?

An accelerated degree provides individuals with a unique opportunity to fast-track their career goals quickly. These unique programs allow students to earn their communication degree faster, many of them through an online platform, though not all. These fast-track degrees are ideal for individuals looking to enhance both their education and career while keeping a flexible schedule.

While traditional programs take four or more years to finish, accelerated degrees can be earned in a fraction of that time, allowing students to save both time and money by entering the job market or furthering their education sooner, without having to pay four years of room and board, fees, etc. Another advantage of an accelerated degree program is its flexibility. Many accelerated programs enable students to complete coursework online, at their own pace, making it easier to balance education with other obligations. This also makes an accelerated communications degree an attractive option for busy professionals who wish to advance their knowledge without disrupting their existing lifestyles.

An accelerated communications degree can be an ideal path to a rewarding and lucrative career. Online degree programs provide convenience and flexibility to help achieve this fast track of education in an accelerated timeframe.

Why an Accelerated Degree?

Accelerated degrees offer several key advantages and benefits to individuals seeking careers in communications. These fast-track programs can open doors to career advancement and offer time saving alternatives that traditional degree programs might not.

One major benefit of pursuing an accelerated degree is being able to finish your program faster - typically condensed coursework allows for earlier graduation and entry into the workforce sooner. By earning an accelerated degree, you can also quickly acquire the knowledge and skills needed to advance in your career, opening new possibilities such as promotions, higher salaries, and greater job responsibilities.

Accelerated programs often offer flexible schedules that make pursuing your degree less disruptive to daily life, helping you balance it with other commitments like work or family obligations. This can make the journey much smoother, though an accelerated program will still take up a lot of your time, which is why you should be certain that you are able to manage your time well before starting an accelerated program.

Accelerated programs also attract motivated and ambitious students who are committed to reaching their career goals, giving you a great chance to network with like-minded individuals who may help along your professional journey.

Benefits of Fast-Track Degrees

  • Cost Savings:
    By completing your degree quickly, you could potentially save money on tuition and educational expenses.
  • Specialization:
    Fast-track programs often allow students to specialize in certain areas of communication such as public relations, marketing, mass media, or digital media - making you more marketable in your job search. By honing these specialized skills, you can further your expertise and increase job prospects in an increasingly competitive job market.
  • Continued Education:
    For individuals interested in furthering their studies, accelerated programs offer an efficient route into graduate studies. Many universities provide combined bachelor's and master's degree programs that enable you to complete both degrees more quickly, known as a dual degree.

Online Communications Education Options

Online learning platforms make accelerated communications degrees accessible and flexible; with distance learning programs and virtual learning platforms offering distance education so that you can pursue an online degree that fits into your schedule and lifestyle.

E-learning has transformed the education industry, allowing students to complete coursework online while communicating virtually with professors and classmates. You can study at your own pace - making this type of program ideal for people who work or have other obligations. One of the key advantages of online learning is its capacity for fast-tracking your education with accelerated online degrees.

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Online programs not only offer flexibility and accelerated options, but they can also give access to highly regarded schools and universities that you might otherwise have trouble attending. Many institutions have tailored their curriculum and resources specifically to the needs of online learners.

By selecting an online communications degree, you open up a world of educational possibilities. From bachelor's degrees and master's programs to dual degrees programs and more, online options make achieving your academic and career goals in communications easier than ever.

Available Degrees for an Accelerated Communications Program

There are various degrees you can pursue as part of an accelerated communications program to advance your career in this field. Each one offers specific knowledge and abilities that can open doors across industries.

Here are the degrees available for an accelerated communications program:

Bachelor's Degree in Communications: This undergraduate degree equips you with a comprehensive foundation in communications theory and practice, equipping you with essential public speaking, writing, interpersonal communication, media production skills. A bachelor's degree can open doors into entry-level jobs such as marketing, public relations, journalism, or social media management.

Master of Communications: A master's degree in communications is a graduate-level program that allows you to specialize in one specific area of communications such as strategic, digital media, or corporate communications. It provides advanced knowledge and skills necessary for leadership positions in communication management, research, and development roles. You could pursue high-level positions or consulting roles within various industries with this advanced degree.

Dual Degree Programs: Some universities offer dual degree programs that enable you to simultaneously earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in communications, offering a faster path towards developing specialist knowledge and skills that give individuals a competitive edge when entering the workplace. Dual degrees can also save both time and money in terms of cost. Dual degree programs represent an efficient solution for individuals looking to fast track their education and career development goals.

By earning an accelerated communications degree, you can set yourself up for success in today's dynamic communications environment. From marketing and public relations to social media management and corporate communications, this field offers diverse career options with promising futures.

Career Opportunities Description
Public Relations Specialist Manage PR campaigns, write press releases, and cultivate relationships with media outlets.
Marketing Coordinator Develop and implement marketing strategies, conduct market research, and coordinate promotional activities.
Social Media Manager Create and manage social media content, engage with followers, and analyze social media metrics.
Corporate Communications Manager Develop internal and external communication strategies, manage crisis communications, and maintain brand reputation.
Journalist Research and report on news stories, conduct interviews, and write articles for various media outlets.

Accelerated Communications Bachelor's Degree

To pursue a career in communications, earning a bachelor's degree is vital. An accelerated bachelor's degree offers individuals a way to enter this industry more quickly and efficiently.

Role of a Communications Professional with an Undergraduate Degree

With a communications bachelor's degree, you can develop the critical thinking, communication skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various roles within the industry.

Some common job titles for professionals with a bachelor's degree in communications include:

  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Social Media Manager
  • Media Planner
  • Content Writer
  • Technical Communication Specialist

Tuition Cost

Tuition for an accelerated bachelor's degree in communications varies based on both institution and program; typically, you should expect to spend between $30k- $50k on tuition costs for this degree. It is possible that degree completion programs, or those making use of online courses, will cost less than traditional programs.

How Long to Graduate

Accelerated bachelor's degree programs in communications generally take two or three years to finish, enabling you to enter the workforce faster and begin building your career sooner. Since traditional programs take four years or more to complete, you should be ahead of the pack when it comes time to look for work if you complete an accelerated online bachelor's in communication.


Each program may have unique entry requirements for their accelerated bachelor's degree in communications program. Common prerequisites could include having completed secondary education, letters of recommendation, and writing a personal statement.

Typical Courses

During your accelerated bachelor's degree program, you can expect to take a variety of courses that will equip you with the necessary skills in communications.

Examples of typical courses include:

  • Introduction to Communications
  • Public Speaking
  • Media and Society
  • Strategic Communication Theory
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Organizational Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Advertising and Marketing Communications
  • Digital Media Production
  • Mass Media or Mass Communication Studies

Typical Salary for Professionals with This Degree

Salaries of professionals holding a bachelor's degree in communications vary widely, depending on factors like location, industry, and experience. Additionally, it can depend on your specialization, with journalism and mass communications earning you different amounts depending on the role you hold. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), however, communication specialists typically earn around $61,310 per year as an annual median wage.

Typical Jobs & Employers

Here are a few typical job opportunities and employers for individuals with a bachelor's degree in communications:

Job Opportunities Employers
Public Relations Specialist Public Relations Agencies, Large Corporations, Government Agencies, Nonprofits, etc.
Marketing Coordinator Advertising Agencies, Large Corporations
Social Media Manager Technology Companies, Nonprofits, Startups and Large Corporations, Freelance
Media Planner Media Companies
Content Writer Publishing Houses, Marketing Agencies, Small and Large Corporations, Freelance

By earning an accelerated bachelor's degree in communications, you can quickly launch your career in this rewarding and fast-moving industry. By developing industry knowledge and practical skills through this program, it will open up many job opportunities and pave the way toward a rewarding and sustainable communications career.

Dual Communications Degree Programs

Dual degree programs present students in communications with an exciting opportunity to earn both their undergraduate and master's degrees at once, greatly expediting their education process while earning two degrees quicker.

What are these programs?

Dual degree programs, also referred to as combined degree programs, are tailored for motivated and driven students who strive for excellence both academically and professionally. They provide an efficient pathway for them to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees together within an integrated format.

How Long to Graduate

Duration of dual degree programs can depend on their academic requirements. On average, however, students can typically complete both bachelor's and master's degrees within five years, which is less time than is typically taken to earn them individually, which would usually take around six years.

Accelerated Communications Master's Degree

Earning an accelerated master's degree can open plenty of new opportunities in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of communications. A graduate degree specializing in this field can allow you to take on leadership roles in areas like public relations, marketing, or digital media.

Role of a Communications Professional with a Graduate Degree

Advanced communications programs offering a master's degree will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for successfully navigating the complexities of this industry. You may find yourself leading communication strategies, managing teams, shaping the public image of organizations, or creating public opinion campaigns. You will develop effective messaging, build meaningful relationships with stakeholders, and drive impactful campaigns with your newly gained expertise!

Tuition Cost

Tuition costs vary widely based on the institution and delivery format. However, investing in graduate studies can lead to increased earning potential and career advancement opportunities. The average cost of a master’s degree in the US is $35,000+ per year, but you can spend significantly less or more depending on the program and institution you choose. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid options may be available to make education more affordable; please reach out to your chosen university's financial aid office for more details about funding sources.

How Long to Graduate

Accelerated master's degree programs in communications typically span 12-24 months, depending on your enrollment status and program design. These programs are designed to provide intensive and focused curriculums that accelerate degree completion timeframes compared to traditional master's programs.


Admission criteria for accelerated master's degree programs in communications typically consist of meeting certain minimum criteria such as holding a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and a competitive GPA. Furthermore, certain programs may request GRE scores or evidence of relevant work experience as additional admission criteria. It's essential that when considering such programs that you make sure all requirements have been fulfilled before making a decision.

Typical Courses

As an accelerated master's degree student in communications, you can expect to engage in courses that delve further into topics like strategic communication, media management, digital marketing, and public relations - with opportunities for specialization is areas such as crisis communication, corporate communication strategies, or social media strategies. All these courses will equip you with knowledge and skills necessary for excelling in future communications careers.

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Typical Salary for Professionals with This Degree

Communications specialists with master's degrees typically enjoy higher average salaries compared to those holding only bachelor's degrees. Salary ranges can depend on years of experience, level of responsibility and geographic location; according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual wage for advertising promotions and marketing managers, as of May 2022, was around $138,730 annually.

Typical Jobs & Employers

Upon earning your accelerated master's degree in communications, you'll be prepared for a wide range of careers in various industries. Potential job titles include communication director, public relations manager, marketing manager, social media strategist, and corporate communications specialist. Common employers for communications professionals with a graduate degree include corporations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and advertising or public relations firms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Accelerated Communications Degree?

An accelerated communications degree program offers students a fast-track option for completing their degree requirements more quickly compared to traditional programs.

What are the advantages of pursuing an accelerated degree?

Pursuing an accelerated degree can provide many advantages including shorter completion times, flexible schedules, and advancing quickly within the communications field.

What can you do with an undergraduate communications degree accomplish?

With an undergraduate degree in communications, professionals may work across several industries such as media, marketing, public relations, and corporate communications.

What are the typical courses of a bachelor's degree in communications?

A bachelor's degree in communications typically covers communication theory, public speaking, media writing, interpersonal communication, and digital media production.

What role can communications professionals with a graduate degree play?

Communications graduates can pursue advanced roles within the field such as strategic communications director, marketing manager, or corporate communications consultant.

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