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The University at Buffalo (UB) is a public institution located in Buffalo, NY. The school is part of the State University of New York System and educates approximately 21,000 undergraduates and around 10,000 graduate students. There are academic opportunities for nearly every interest here, with schools that specialize in architecture, arts and sciences, engineering, management, nursing, and public health, to name a few options.

Overview of University at Buffalo (UB)

UB students also have ample resources available to help them create a well-rounded college experience. After class, students are often found in the fitness center where they find a wide selection of weightlifting and other fitness machines. They might also challenge a friend to racquetball, swim laps in the pool, take a fitness class, or find a pick-up game of basketball. Those who desire a bit of friendly competition can also join an intramural league, though there are also recreational leagues available. Students may also find great satisfaction from club membership. The UB campus is chock full of organizations to meet every interest. However, if a student finds that their passion is not represented, they are encouraged to apply to create a club that provides an outlet for that social, artistic, professional, or other area of interest.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting Suburb: Large
Campus Housing Yes
Student Faculty Ratio 14:1
Graduation Rate 75%
Year Founded 1846

Student Enrollment

Total Students31,923


Undergraduate Student

Male 12,276
Female 9,645

Graduate Student

Male 5,601
Female 4,401

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University at Buffalo Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male 14,759
Female 15,141


Male 9,298
Female 9,085

Acceptance Rate61%

Male 63%
Female 60%

Enrollment 4,195

Male 2,352
Female 1,843
Application Fee $50
High School GPA Required
High School Rank Recommended
High School Transcripts Required
College Prep Courses Recommended
Recommendations Considered But Not Required
Formal demonstration of competencies Recommended
SAT/ACT Required
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Required
Application Deadline Rolling
Common Application Accepted Yes

UB Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Since University at Buffalo is a state-supported institution it is able to provide New York state residents with a lower cost of tuition than a private college or university. However, out-of-state students must then pay more, but even their costs rival most private institutions. For a year of tuition, books, and other academic gross costs, UB students pay under $12,000, while out-of-state students pay around $30,000.

Students can't live on knowledge alone and their gross cost for living is around $18,000 whether they live on or off campus. This results in a gross cost for in-state students of $30,000 per year and non-state-residents see a price tag of $48,000 for a year at UB. However, the financial aid office can often mitigate these numbers somewhat.

Once they apply various grants and scholarships, the financial aid office can bring down the average cost for a year to a mere $18,000, inclusive of all living costs. The lowest income households see an average net cost of $15,000, and households earning over $110,0010 pay under $24,000, on average. This means that University at Buffalo is quite a value in higher education.

Average net price 2018-2019
Net Price $17,264
Average Total Aid $8,859
Students Receiving Financial Aid 84%
Room & Board $14,134

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $10,524
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $28,194
  • Books and Supplies - $1,203
  • Room & Board - $14,134
  • Other - $2,805

UB Academics

New York's state university system is nationally known for its excellence, and University at Buffalo does not fail to impress. In a state packed with many top public and private colleges and universities, UB continues to compete at the highest levels. However, our researchers sought to ensure that the academic statistics supported the school’s strong reputation. They evaluated educational statistics including the retention rate and graduation rate, among others, to determine UB's overall academic value.

The retention rate measures how many first-time, full-time students at UB returned for their second year. A high retention rate indicates that students and their families are pleased with the school's faculty, curriculum, and campus resources. Since UB's first-year students return to campus at a rate of 83%, it's clear that they're quite pleased with the school. Then, researchers found that a whopping 74% earned a diploma, with around 16% transferring elsewhere.

Since transfer students often leave to pursue degrees from more competitive schools or to find specific programs that UB doesn't support, they are often very likely to graduate from college. Thus, it may be that UB prepares as much as 90% of its students for a college diploma, whether they earn it here or elsewhere.

Student Population Total

Student Population 31,923

Evening Classes : No
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Business Majors 940 Total Graduates / 19%
Business Administration and Management, General 750 Graduates
Accounting 130 Graduates
International Business/Trade/Commerce 60 Graduates
All Engineering Majors 799 Total Graduates / 16%
Mechanical Engineering 203 Graduates
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 131 Graduates
Civil Engineering, General 129 Graduates
Chemical Engineering 80 Graduates
All Social Science Majors 705 Total Graduates / 14%
Social Sciences, General 288 Graduates
Economics, General 126 Graduates
Sociology, General 120 Graduates
Political Science and Government, General 111 Graduates
All Psychology Majors 579 Total Graduates / 11%
Psychology, General 57 Graduates
All Biological and Biomedical Sciences Majors 458 Total Graduates / 9%
Biology/Biological Sciences, General 222 Graduates
Biomedical Sciences, General 89 Graduates
Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology 78 Graduates
Pharmacology and Toxicology 27 Graduates
All Other Diplomas 31%

Outcome & Salary

Students at the University at Buffalo are working on degrees that stand out from the pack and their academic foundation will be as solid as any in other academia. However, students are often anxious to know that they will be able to earn a good job and salary after graduation. Though researchers can't make any predictions or provide a guarantee, they can look at past graduates and provide that information. The computer science graduates from UB lead the pack, with a dominating median salary of $82,000. Meanwhile, the fifth-highest earners are the medical laboratory science students, who report a median salary of $72,000. Other top earners were from Buffalo's engineering degree programs.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $44,300
College Grads Average Salary $68,799
College Grads Mid Career Salary $67,800
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $687,990
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $1,365,990
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $69,056
10 Year Projected ROI $618,934
20 Year Projected ROI $1,296,934
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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