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Are you considering earning a degree but are uncertain what major to pursue? Your area of study may be less important than you would expect. In fact, opting to earn an easy college degree may be the best solution, especially if you are not planning to enter a specific field. Careers in general administration or moving up in retail, for example, often require an advanced education but do not necessitate a specific focus. A degree of any kind will usually be sufficient.

It’s actually quite common for prospective students to choose a major that relates to a vocation they are not planning to pursue. This is because there are numerous benefits to earning a degree that are not career specific. An advanced education provides access to a wide variety of opportunities that can lead to more overall happiness and stability later in life. Earning an college degree of any kind sets a strong foundation for greater personal and professional success.

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Benefits of Earning A Degree with Any Major

Earning a college degree offers several benefits, such as higher earnings, expanded knowledge, better job opportunities, and greater job security. One of the primary reasons people pursue a degree is for higher income. While some fields offer entry-level jobs without a degree, graduates generally earn more, especially those with advanced degrees, which often lead to management or executive roles.

On average, bachelor’s degree holders earn around $60,996 per year, while master’s degree holders make about $86,372. This is much higher than the $15 per hour earned by those with only a high school diploma. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers with a bachelor’s degree earn a median of $1,493 per week, compared to $708 for those without a degree.

A degree also opens doors to better job opportunities. College programs enhance skills that are valuable across various fields, making graduates more attractive to employers. Degree holders are generally seen as more valuable employees, contributing to greater job security.

Beyond career benefits, a degree also offers personal growth opportunities. College students gain networking experience, take on leadership roles, engage with diverse perspectives, and often form lasting relationships. Study-abroad programs and campus activities further enrich the college experience.

Easy Majors that Pay Well

  • Anthropology: Average Yearly Salary - $63,800
  • Business Administration Majors: Average Yearly Salary - $65,709
  • Communications Major: Average Yearly Salary - $58,097
  • Creative Writing Major: Average Yearly Salary - $73,095
  • Criminal Justice Major: Average Yearly Salary - $66,570
  • English Major: Average Yearly Salary - $58,518
  • History Major: Average Yearly Salary - $62,115
  • Human Resources Management Major: Average Yearly Salary - $136,350
  • Marketing Major: Average Yearly Salary - $67,990
  • Psychology Major: Average Yearly Salary - $92,378

What Makes an Option Easy?

Finding an easy college major can be quite simple, although the results of any study on the matter would, by nature, be subjective. Something that seems easy to you may not be so simple for another person. This is why it is necessary to research options thoroughly before deciding to enroll in a program.

Consider using the following information to find the best solution for you:

  • Graduate GPA Data
    Find out which degrees produce graduates with the highest grade point averages (GPAs). This means that the majority of students enrolled in the program achieve high marks, which can indicate that the curriculum is fairly easy to complete. Identifying college majors in this way can help you narrow down your list of prospects.
  • Student Reviews
    Students from colleges and universities all over the world can leave feedback about their experiences online. Read through reviews to find out if any degree programs are known for being particularly easy. It’s not uncommon for certain departments to gain a reputation for difficulty or having easy college majors over time. You can also post in forums to inquire about which options may suit your needs best. Many people think of the easiest college majors as including a communications major or a criminal justice major.
  • Course Requirements
    It may also prove helpful to examine curriculum listings and course descriptions prior to selecting a degree program. Most colleges and universities provide detailed information on their websites, making it easy to spot whether or not difficult classes may be required for graduation. Keep your personal skills and preferences in mind and avoid college majors that necessitate taking courses you know you will struggle with, such as higher mathematics or those requiring extensive communication skills.

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What to Consider When Choosing

There are several factors you should consider when looking for a degree program. Every college and university is unique. By comparing and contrasting important features, you can more easily determine which institution suits your needs best. Some of the most significant aspects include prospective career opportunities, salary projections, job outlooks, and possible work environments. You can also pull inspiration from your own natural talents, personal passions, and subjects of greatest interest. Again, you should consider avoiding subjects you are likely to have the most trouble with.

Ultimately, one of the most significant factors to consider is how much effort you are willing to put into pursuing an education. Earning an associate degree typically requires two years, whereas bachelor’s degrees generally take four years, and master’s degrees take an additional two years to complete. Your options will vary depending on your dedication to achieving your academic and career goals.

Easiest College Majors

While the process of determining which college degrees are easiest is fairly subjective, it is possible to identify which college majors are generally the most difficult. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduates have some of the lowest GPAs. Humanities and social science majors, on the other hand, tend to have the highest GPAs among academic disciplines.

Based on this, some of the easiest college programs include:

  • Business / Management
    Degrees in business and business management tend to be very broad in nature, touching on a wide variety of related topics. They tend focus on the development of skills that are useful in numerous industries and can be transferred from one position to another. This option is particularly relevant for undecided students interested in exploring several different subject areas. Additionally, business and business management are ideal for outgoing people who enjoy interacting with others. Note that some math classes may be required.
  • Communication / Media / Journalism
    Degrees in communications, media, and journalism focus primarily on writing, thinking, and formulating ideas cohesively. As humanities majors, they do not require any additional STEM classes, making them the perfect solution for creative-minded individuals. Read-and-respond assignments are common, as are personal presentations and projects related to current events.
  • Criminal Justice
    Degrees in criminal justice also tend to lack any significant focus on STEM subjects. Instead, these college majors introduce students to the history and current functionality of the nation’s legal system. There are numerous career opportunities within the field and many of the skills attained are easily transferrable to other jobs. Students rarely have to depend on memorization and they can gain significant experience from internships and on-the-job training.
  • Education
    Degrees in education focus on pedagogy (teaching methods), which means students only need to take STEM classes if they choose to teach one of those subjects. Excluding prospective science and math teachers, very little technical knowledge is needed to be successful in this field. Depending on the age group being taught, it’s possible the majority of knowledge needed will relate to subjects already learned previously.
  • History
    Degrees in history also lack the need for extensive STEM coursework. These majors tend to place more focus on learning about past events, both in the United States and around the rest of the world. Like communication and journalism, this field is more likely to require extensive reading and writing assignments with a focus on contextualizing the information rather than creative writing. Additionally, students studying history may need good memorization and critical thinking skills.
  • Psychology
    A psychology major may not be as easy as some of the others listed here. This is largely due to the fact that students will likely need to complete some higher-level math courses. Additionally, a significant amount of material must be memorized in order to pass examinations in a psychology major, graduate, and the fact that you will need a master’s degree to become licensed to practice. The skills learned in this college major can be easily applied to almost any industry, however, making this option extremely viable for students who have not identified specific career goals yet, even if they only plan to earn a bachelor’s.
  • Social Sciences / Sociology
    Degrees in social sciences and sociology majors are similar, requiring some math classes that may be considered too boring or hard for some students. Like psychology majors, these programs tend to be a middle-of-the-road option in terms of difficulty. Individuals who enjoy critical thinking, however, as well as comparing and contrasting information, are likely to do well in this field.
  • Hardest College Majors
  • Double Major vs. Dual Degree

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Easy Majors for Students with Specific Talents

It’s also important to realize that some majors will seem easy for certain people if they possess a particular talent or long-standing interest in them. Choosing a degree base on these factors is, of course, subjective. Consider your skills and passions carefully before deciding which program suits your academic and career paths and career aspirations best. You can start this process by thinking about which subject areas you succeded in during high school and making a list of your extracurricular activities. It may also prove beneficial to speak with some of your past teachers and/or the school guidance counselor for assistance in pinpointing which areas suit you best. Some majors that people with an aptitude or interest find easy might include a creative writing major for those with writing skills, an education major for those who enjoy teaching, etc.

  • Accounting/Mathematics
    The subjects of accounting and mathematics simply make sense to some people. Individuals who are mathematically inclined probably did well in advanced geometry, trigonometry, and calculus classes during high school. They often enjoy working with numbers and are capable of identifying patterns in data.
  • Arts (Fine Arts)
    Talent in fine arts and design can come naturally or result from significant practice. Even natural talent must be honed, which means individuals interested in this subject tend to spend a lot of time working on creative projects. They are likely to excel in arts-related classes during high school and may gravitate towards fine arts clubs as well.
  • Biology
    Biology is typically a good fit for people who have a strong interest in or intense passion for living organisms. These individuals likely do well in most science classes, but are particularly fond of lab and dissection assignments. Biology majors are unique because they can lead to a number of great employment opportunities, from studying animals and engineering plants to decoding genomes and providing medical care. However, you should be aware before choosing this college major that it often includes a inordinate amount of memorization.
  • Computer Science
    Computer science is not for everyone, but those who do major in this subject have some of the best career prospects and career paths available. Those with a love for mathematics, analytical thinking, and problem solving will thrive most in this field. These individuals tend to enjoy learning in general, but are particularly inclined to utilize various forms of technology.
  • English
    Students who did will in English and history classes during high school make good English majors in college; this might include a journalism or creative writing major. Programs tend to require a lot of reading and writing assignments, which means those who enroll should have a passion for both areas. People who regularly participate in programs like Battle of the Books or spend time writing creatively are likely good candidates.
  • Exercise Science
    Exercise science programs explore how the body and mind function during exercise. People who are athletically inclined tend to do well in this field because they have a good understanding of and enjoying being physically active. Students who do well in exercise science likely participate in and enjoy various sporting activities. It’s important to note, however, that earning a degree in exercise science will place the primary focus on theory, not activity.
  • Foreign Language
    Majoring in a foreign language is more than just learning to speak another language; it also consists of learning about the culture of the place where it is most commonly spoken. This means that students who choose to pursue a language degree often have a strong interest in and passion for a specific region in the world. They often grew up speaking two or more languages at home or greatly enjoyed their foreign language courses in high school and loved the idea of being able to communicate more fully in their chosen foreign language.
  • Graphic Design
    Graphic design is most appealing to people who are visually oriented, creative, and interested in technology. In high school, these students likely excelled in both art and computer classes. They likely have familiarity with various graphics-related fundamentals including typography, color theory, and 3D imagery.
  • Marketing
    Marketing majors learn how to develop and brand products or services for the companies or organizations they will work for. As high school students, those who will do best in this field likely showed interested in finance and communication. They may have done will in math classes and/or joined business clubs.
  • Music
    Those who are naturally talented at musical composition and/or playing a musical instrument will find majoring in music most appealing. In high school, they likely participated in band class, sang in the choir, or played an instrument at sporting events. It’s also probable that these students attended band camps or received private lessons from musical professionals.
  • Visual and Performing Arts
    Visual and performing arts will be most appealing for creative and emotionally aware individuals who enjoy acting. They likely participated in drama classes and clubs during high school. These students also tend to have a strong passion for dramatic writings and enjoy performing in front of other people.