What is a Career Test?

Our career test is a tool designed to assist individuals in assessing your interests and skills and matching you with potential career options that best suit you. Through assessment, you can explore a range of career opportunities, understand what skills are required for various jobs, and gain a more in-depth knowledge of all available occupations within a field. Career tests are an integral component of career counseling, offering students and job seekers valuable insights that help inform career decisions. We recommend our users to use this free career quiz to help identify potential careers that are available to you based on your personality, skills and interests. 

The University HQ free career quiz will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and help determine potential career matches based on your personality type, interests and current skills. Your personality type plays a large roll in the careers you choose.

  • Activities
  • Personal qualities
  • School subjects
  • Results


Activities that describe what I like to do (click all that apply):

Personal Qualities

Personal qualities that describe me (click all that apply):

School subjects

School subjects I like (click all that apply):


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What is the Purpose of Taking a Career Assessment Test?

The career test is intended to provide insight into the 16 career clusters identified by the National Career Clusters Framework. Each career cluster comprises multiple small groups known as pathways. These represent different areas within a cluster that offer specific education and training that corresponds with particular industries or jobs. Here are these 16 career clusters: