What is Business Management?
To address these economic needs, the state's public and private colleges and universities have crafted business management degree programs that prepare students for success. Over the course of a degree program, students will find that their coursework is well-suited to the surrounding economy. They will also find that their departments have cultivated relationships with private industries that may yield internship programs. These programs provide business management students the business skills and managerial exposure that will make any resume rise to the top of the stack.
A business manager is a professional who oversees all or part of a business' operations. Depending on the business, a manager might work in any number of environments. On a construction crew, a crew manager (or foreman) often works alongside their employees and is considered a master of that particular trade. There are also managers who sit at a higher level and who may manage multiple business locations, or multiple crews so to speak.
Business managers generally are considered leaders for their workers. They manage personnel issues such as hiring and scheduling. They might also manage or oversee things like inventories or equipment. One of the key elements of management might be delegation. A good manager knows how to pair their staff to meet certain challenges. Thus, they may deploy workers who operate at differing skill levels or who have individual specialties in order to tackle a multifaceted issue.

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Business Management Education in Georgia (AS, BS, MS, PhD)
Georgia is a diverse economy that includes densely populated urban areas and also sparse rural, agricultural communities.Students with business management degrees find that they have many options available to them upon graduation. However, Georgia does have some industrial classifications that are more pronounced than others. And the state's business schools are sure to cater to those needs since they want their student to thrive after graduation.
The top industry in Georgia is currently real estate. Given the phenomenal growth in the Atlanta area, this may come as no surprise. Business management students may therefore want to look for business management degrees that focus on property management, commercial real estate, or construction management. Students who focus on areas such as financing in real estate markets may also do quite well in Georgia's economy.
Georgia is also home to a nascent entertainment industry. Some of the nation's top networks are stationed in the state, and film studios are being lured to the Peach State to set up production. Business students can join show business in any number of capacities. After all, film and television crews need all sorts of services such as equipment rentals, financing services, and more.
Though much of the textile industry has moved on, one in seven Georgia workers still work in agricultural fields, including cotton. In the northern part of the state, business management professionals can find work in poultry processing or shipping. Further south, the peanut crop is still a huge part of the economy, so management professionals might work to streamline those processing plants or in shipping peanuts out of state. There are also a large number of hog farms that generate pork products for the entire nation.
Online Associates (AS)
Students who earn an associate business management degree have done themselves a tremendous favor. They can use a community college degree to effectively tier their education and their careers. They may be able to start a career off with an entry-level position as a management trainee or assistant manager with a business in their area. In fact, many firms have management training programs that accept those with associate business management degrees.
An associate business management degree is also helpful in terms of long-term academic goals. Community colleges make sure that all associate business degree holders complete their business courses as well as the core college curriculum. Thus, students can take courses such as composition, college algebra, and core electives in a community college setting, and with community. That environment generally offers smaller class sizes and reduced costs. Thus, when business management professionals desire a full bachelor’s business management degree, they can focus on their major field and not overspend for core courses at a four-year institution.
Online Bachelors (BS)
Most would agree that a bachelor’s business management degree is the best academic credential to start a career in this field. A full four-year degree allows students enough time to explore their field in depth and detail. If they desire a certain sort of focus, that could be possible at this level. For instance, some may take more courses related to accounting while others may take courses in human resources or leadership.
A four-year degree also allows students to explore a minor concentration. These days, business management students might augment their business management degree with a minor in computer science or information technology. Other students may study bigger-picture subjects such as organizational psychology, economics, or sociology. A four-year business management degree program will allow students to achieve a well-rounded education. Furthermore, students in larger universities may be able to earn degrees that are more focused such as those in international business, operations management, project management, or supply chain management.
Online Masters (MS)
The gold standard for business academics is the master of business administration, more commonly referred to as an MBA. This graduate level business management degree builds on students' undergraduate and/or professional experience to elevate their general business knowledge with a master’s level concentration area. The degree typically starts with a year studying general business subjects such as finance, management, corporate finance, etc. And the second year is spent in a concentration area that typically steers the remainder of a student's career.
For those in management, a good concentration area would be management, naturally. However, there may be exceptions or unique opportunities. A student who is already working in management may want their degree to inform their knowledge of other areas. If, for instance, they are managing an IT department, it may be a good idea for them to complete their MBA with a concentration in information technology or management information systems. On the other hand, those who can take three years off of work might opt for a dual MBA that would let them focus on management in their MBA and let them pair that degree with a second master’s degree of their choosing. The options are nearly limitless, but many choose a second master’s in law, engineering, computer science, public policy, or information technology, among others.
Online Doctorate (PhD)
While the business community doesn't see a PhD as a requirement for most positions, the degree can come in handy for many students. Those in management who take the plunge into a PhD program will have the opportunity to explore their favorite parts of management with a level of depth that was not available as undergraduate or even graduate students.
Doctorate management students can take their degrees with a focus on research specialties and pursue careers where they can utilize that knowledge. One good career path for a doctoral student is consulting. With a doctoral degree in management, students can apply their research and analytical skills to companies that need to address their management systems. Some management consultants also sell their research papers at a premiums to firms who need to realize greater efficiency in their management systems.
Management professionals might even focus on specializations such as management information systems, data science, or another high-tech field. Since technology and big data is so important in today's business environment, a PhD with such a focus would be in high demand.
Become a Business Manager in Georgia
To become a business management professional in Georgia, students often find that they need to start early and pass through many different stages. One of the first stages involves cultivating the skills and recognizing the talents that will lead to a long and fruitful career in business. Thus, youngsters might start gravitating towards certain activities which may become useful later in business. One key skill that can predict later success in business is a talent for mathematics. However other talents can also help them become a business management professional in Georgia.
For instance, students who have strong leadership abilities may consider management as a career option. Sometimes this manifests in their play in the schoolyard. Later they may be named to leadership positions within their sports team or a high school club. It will also be helpful if they have strong organizational skills and the ability to delegate tasks to the appropriate person.
Find Online Business Management Schools
When they are in high school, students might look for a high school that focuses on appropriate business skills, including a STEM focus. Less specialized high schools may offer courses that will be useful in business management, such as business math or accounting. High school students can also begin to explore topics related to business management in their outside reading or informal education. For instance, students who yearn for a business management career in Georgia can explore YouTube and other websites to find educational resources. Investopedia, for instance, is a website that students can utilize which provides insight into a vast array of business topics.
When it comes time to find a business management degree program, Georgia students should look for programs that hold the best accreditation, but which also offer the sort of specialty concentrations they desire. The University of Georgia's business school, for instance, is a highly competitive business degree program that will deliver a business education that focuses on specific industries at a public university price. There are many other fantastic business schools in Georgia, so students should evaluate each one according to its merits and their own individual needs as students and future business management professionals.
Careers for Business Management Graduates
- Sales Manager:
These management professionals oversee a team of sales professionals and try to lead the team toward ever-higher sales numbers. Often, a sales manager has been a salesperson in that company, or in the same industry, prior to achieving their current title. Sales managers are generally paid a regular salary rather than on a commission basis, but they may receive a bonus when their team exceeds expectations. - Financial Analyst:
This position is typically an entry-level job for young college graduates who desire a career in investment banking. They spend long hours analyzing companies and industries for their bosses at the associate, VP, and director levels. Analyst positions typically last for two years, and the professionals often spend their bonus checks on an MBA degree before returning to the field as an associate. - Account Manager:
These managers oversee accounts for various types of firms. They are typically part of a sales team, and their job is to take care of an account and ensure that they maintain the client. In many cases, an account manager will receive a call if a product or service has trouble. They will then delegate someone to address the issue. - Operations Manager:
These professionals are in charge of a business' daily operations. They may oversee a number of departments and ensure that each is performing well and meeting its goals. An operations manager is also often charged with the task of optimizing efficiency within their firm. They may evaluate a business' computer systems or other equipment to help them do this. For a warehouse operation, they could evaluate inventory management systems or audit their fleet of forklifts and make sure they are all fully operational. - Benefits Specialist:
This is an invaluable position within a firm's human resource department. These management professionals evaluate their firm's employees, salary base, and other factors before finding an appropriate benefits package. Some benefits specialists work as HR consultants who evaluate clients and advise each on their best benefits solution. - Management Information System Specialist:
This is an increasingly valuable position and degree. MIS professionals are trained in both business and information technology so that they can understand the very best tech solutions for their management teams. Typically, an MIS professional will analyze their firm’s performance and recommend technological solutions where needed. This may be only a software upgrade, but it could involve upgrading the firm's hardware systems. - Administrative Assistant:
This is a terrific first job for a business management degree holder. Administrative assistants may also pursue their business management degrees online in their spare time while accruing invaluable experience in the job. While on the job, administrative assistants do things like prepare presentation documents, field phone calls, organize meetings, and perform many other vital business functions. - Project Manager:
These professionals are increasingly relied on by firms of all sorts. However, their primary industry is that of business management consultation, where they manage teams through projects. Their teams are typically high-tech professionals who need a project manager who can act as a liaison between them and the client. However, project management is needed in many capacities and may require specialized knowledge in order for a professional to succeed.
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