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North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) has a rich legacy of providing affordable education to local communities since its establishment in 1918. Located in the Midwest, NIACC is well known for helping its students achieve their goals and aspirations with excellent teaching programs that encourage personal development and academic excellence.

Overview of North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC)

Since its founding, NIACC has seen incredible expansion and advancement. The college has continually added modern facilities, state-of-the-art resources, and an extensive selection of programs and resources to cater for varying career paths and passions to create an optimal learning environment for students. Committed to providing high-quality education for a range of disciplines and career paths, NIACC has broadened its program offerings for maximum reach and diversity.

North Iowa Area Community College is more than a place of education; it's an investment in your future. Graduates consistently achieve remarkable outcomes, including high employability rates and competitive salaries in their respective fields. No matter if you decide to enter the workforce directly or further your studies, NIACC equips you with all the skills and knowledge you need for success.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting Town: Remote
Campus Housing Yes
Student Faculty Ratio 21 : 1
Graduation Rate 55%
Year Founded 1918

Student Enrollment

Total Students2,479


Undergraduate Student

Male 1,140
Female 1,339

Graduate Student

Male 0
Female 0

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NIACC Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male N/A
Female N/A


Male N/A
Female N/A

Acceptance RateN/A

Male N/A
Female N/A

Enrollment N/A

Male N/A
Female N/A
Application Fee N/A
High School GPA N/A
High School Rank N/A
High School Transcripts N/A
College Prep Courses N/A
Recommendations N/A
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) N/A
Application Deadline N/A
Common Application Accepted N/A

NIACC Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Affordability is important when it comes to education. Tuition rates at North Iowa Area Community College remain within reasonable bounds while still offering great instruction to students. Being a public institution, the costs are naturally low, though they manage to keep costs low even compared to many other public colleges and universities. In the 2023-24 academic year, the average cost of tuition for a full-time student was just $6,436 for in-state students and rose to $9,245 for out-of-state students.

At NIACC, they also provide various financial aid options to help students finance their educations. These options include scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and access to loans if necessary. The school’s dedicated financial aid team can assist students throughout the application process by offering personalized guidance in selecting appropriate options to meet individual student needs.

NIACC is dedicated to making higher education more accessible and cost-effective for everyone, and tuition costs and financial aid policies create an environment in which students can focus on their studies without unnecessary financial stress.

Average net price 2021-2022
Net Price $6,327
Average Total Aid $8,609
Students Receiving Financial Aid 100%
Room & Board $7,488

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $6,436
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $9,245
  • Books and Supplies - $1,420
  • Room & Board - $7,488
  • Other - $2,462

Popular Academic Programs at NIACC

North Iowa Area Community College offers an impressive variety of academic programs to meet the educational aspirations of its students. Offering undergraduate studies across various fields, NIACC gives its undergraduates foundational knowledge and skills that they will need for future career endeavors. Their undergraduate programs combine theoretical study with hands-on practical experience for an overall holistic experience that supports growth as an individual and professional growth and development. Students can participate in internships, research projects, and/or collaborative learning for an enhanced experience.

NIACC's associate degree offerings span an array of fields including business, health professions and sciences, liberal arts, and engineering and mechanic technologies. Programs at NIACC aim to equip students with the necessary knowledge and abilities needed for success in these areas, with dedicated faculty providing quality instruction with personalized support that helps each student excel academically. Students interested in either starting a career immediately after graduating or continuing their education further are well served here as they build the foundation of success for future success.

NIACC recognizes the value of flexibility and accessibility and offers online education options to meet those students who prefer learning remotely. Their online programs deliver the same high-quality education found on-campus, but with added convenience of studying from anywhere, allowing them to complete coursework at their own pace while still receiving guidance and assistance from faculty members. Students also benefit from having more flexibility when juggling work or family obligations while attending school.

Student Population Total

Student Population 2,479

Evening Classes : No
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Business Majors N/A

Outcome & Salary

Graduates from North Iowa Area Community College have consistently achieved outstanding outcomes in their respective fields, thanks to its rigorous and comprehensive educational programs that equip students with all the knowledge and skills needed for success in the workforce. Graduates of NIACC enjoy high employability rates and attractive salaries that make them sought-after professionals on the job market.

North Iowa Area Community College's undergraduate studies equip graduates to enter the workforce and build successful careers, thanks to industry-focused programs and hands-on learning experiences that give graduates a strong foundation in their chosen fields. Employers recognize NIACC for providing superior education and training, contributing to its excellent job placement rates and favorable starting salaries for graduates of their undergraduate studies. In fact, students enjoy a 95% placement rate, which is excellent for a public institution.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $44,700
College Grads Average Salary $86,000
College Grads Mid Career Salary $70,400
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $860,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $1,564,000
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $25,308
10 Year Projected ROI $834,692
20 Year Projected ROI $1,538,692
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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