University Headquarters (HQ) is an industry-leading, independent educational organization that provides independent college rankings using a proprietary formula to create first-class, unbiased rankings. The team at University HQ strives to provide accurate and trustworthy rankings that highlight the best programs for web development in Arizona.

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What is Web Development?

Web development is a fast-growing field, with a wide range of professional opportunities. Those seeking to enter this competitive and rewarding industry have several options for gaining the necessary education, from attending traditional college courses to enrolling in specialized web development boot camps. To help aspiring web developers make an informed decision about their educational path, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the top web development colleges and degree programs across the United States. However, in this article, we’ll discuss how you can become a web developer in your state.

Many colleges across the country offer students access to an array of resources such as experienced faculty members, up to date curriculum, hands-on learning experiences, and mentorship opportunities that can give learners an edge in the job market after graduation. Degree programs are also available at different levels—from associate degrees to master’s degrees—allowing students to choose what best fits their needs and career goals.

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Online Web Development Education in Arizona

Generally, the term web developer is equated to a person who codes and designs websites. This field has expanded significantly in recent years and has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Developing a website for a client requires a plethora of skills and abilities, and is often a team effort.

The field is divided into three main categories, and many different tasks are expected of the average web developer. Some web developers have a specific area of expertise, while others have a broad knowledge of all things web. In order to land a job in this field, you should demonstrate the technical skills that employers are looking for, whether those skills are learned in a degree program or from a certification program.

In general, a front-end web developer is responsible for designing and implementing the visible parts of a web application, while a back-end developer specializes in the logic behind a website. While most web developers start out in the back end, they are usually able to transition to the front-end later in their career.

Online Associate Degree in Web Development (AS)

An associate degree in web development provides a foundation of knowledge and skills needed to become a successful web developer, though you might need more experience in the field if you choose not to earn a higher-level degree. This degree is designed to provide students with essential skills in design, coding, programming, and marketing for website building and maintenance. These programs equip students with the technical know-how to create websites that are both visually appealing and functional. With an associate degree in web development, graduates will be prepared for entry-level positions such as web designer or programmer.

A two-year associate degree program typically requires 60 credit hours of coursework including topics such as HTML/CSS coding, JavaScript framework development, database administration, mobile application development, web design principles and practices, software engineering fundamentals, data analysis techniques, computer networks protocols, and more.

learn more about an Associate in Web Development

Online Bachelors Degree in Web Development (BS)

A bachelor's degree in web development can help prepare students for a higher-level career as a web developer and promotion into supervisory roles or those with more responsibility. These degree programs generally include courses on programming languages, software design, digital media, and database management. With the proper credentials and experience, graduates can look forward to pursuing a wide variety of careers in the computer science industry.

Web development colleges offer bachelor's degrees that focus on teaching the fundamentals of coding language and other associated technologies. Coursework typically includes comprehensive instruction on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL server administration, and Linux operating systems. After completing this degree program, individuals will be well-equipped for entry-level positions as web developers or software engineers as well as for promotions into other roles once they have some experience under their belts.

Additional topics covered at most web development colleges include user interface design principles, website security protocols, and content management systems (CMS).

learn more about a Bachelors in Web Development

Online Masters Degree in Web Development (MS)

An increasing number of students are turning to a master’s degree in web development to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a continuing successful career in web development that can take them into the highest levels of IT or their chosen company. With the demand for experienced web developers on the rise, those with a degree in this field can be sure to enjoy a competitive salary, great job security, and vast opportunities.

A master’s degree program in web development will focus on teaching students how to design, develop, and deploy websites using various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other programming languages. Students also learn about server-side components such as databases and scripting language Apache. Additionally, they learn about content management systems like WordPress and frameworks like Bootstrap that are used to build complex websites quickly. In addition to these technical skills, students also gain experience with project management techniques that help them efficiently manage their projects from start to finish.

learn more about a Masters in Web Development

Online PhD Degree in Web Development (PhD)

Pursuing a PhD in web development can open the door to many exciting and lucrative opportunities for those looking to advance their career. Earning a doctoral degree in web development makes graduates highly sought after in the industry as they possess advanced knowledge and skills needed for complex web application development, software engineering, and data science. With an ever-increasing demand for specialized web developers in today's digital world, now is the perfect time to become an expert.

Depending on the school chosen, students pursuing a PhD in web development will receive a comprehensive education that covers both theoretical and practical skills related to programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and other popular coding frameworks. Additionally, topics like database design and development may be included as part of the course curriculum. This comprehensive education can give students an edge over their competition when it comes to job opportunities or launching their own tech company.

Learn more about computer science resources and scholarships

Online Web Development Certifications

Web development certifications are an important part of any web development college program. By earning a certification, students can demonstrate their expertise in front end and back end web development, as well as related technologies such as HTML and CSS. Obtaining a certification from an accredited institution is also beneficial for those who wish to pursue a career in the field or advance their current skillset.

The most sought after types of certifications are available for those who hold associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees. These certifications can be focused in many website development topics such as database design, programming fundamentals, user experience design principles, and more.

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Become a Web Developer in Arizona

For those interested in becoming a web developer, there are multiple paths to take. Web development colleges and degree programs can provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to enter this field, but so can bootcamps and other certification programs. With courses focusing on topics such as coding, web design, database management, software engineering, and more, students can find an array of options when it comes to choosing the best educational plan for their needs. If you are just starting out, a comprehensive degree program will likely be your best option. If you already know many of the basics and are ready to get into the field right away, then a bootcamp can provide you with some in-depth knowledge and a quick path into a job. Here are some steps to take on your journey toward becoming a successful web developer.

  • Step 1: Attend an accredited college or university

    Every aspiring web developer should consider attending an accredited college or university to pursue their career. Doing so will provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in this competitive field and with the ability to earn the next level of degree if they need to do so in the future. Not only can a college degree open doors for entry-level positions, it can also give students an advantage over those without one when competing for more advanced roles. Attending an accredited institution is the best way to gain a comprehensive understanding of web development concepts and practices that will be respected by all employers. Students learn how to design, code, test, debug, and deploy websites, while also gaining experience working with different programming languages such as Java or Python. Additionally, they take classes on topics like database design, user interface design, cyber security and project management that are essential for any modern web developer.

  • Step 2: Get experience through internships or entry-level jobs

    If you're looking to start a career as a web developer, internships and entry-level jobs are an excellent way to get your foot in the door. Working in either capacity allows you to gain experience and make professional connections that can help you secure your place in the industry for the long haul. It's also an opportunity for you to hone your skills, learn from seasoned professionals, and develop potential projects of your own. Starting out as an intern or entry-level employee is a great way to build up a portfolio of work that displays the depth of your expertise. You'll be able to demonstrate what makes you unique, such as special coding techniques or design sensibilities, while developing an understanding of how different industries use web development services.

  • Step 3: Networking and building relationships with other professionals

    Networking and building relationships with other professionals is an important step on the journey to becoming a web developer. It takes time, dedication, and hard work to build up your professional network, but it can be beneficial in many ways. Developing a strong network of contacts in the web development industry can help you find job opportunities, stay up to date on new trends, create valuable connections and collaborations with people who have similar interests, or even gain access to exclusive resources that are only available to members of certain networks. While there are many tips for how best to go about networking and relationship building in the web development field, understanding what it takes to become a credible professional is key.

  • Step 4: Stay up to date on technology trends

    As technology continues to evolve, it is important for web developers to stay up to date on the latest trends and advancements. Knowing what the newest innovations are and how they can be used in web development projects can give developers the edge needed to stand out from their peers. It also gives them the knowledge necessary to ensure their websites meet modern standards of design and functionality. Developers who want to stay current with technology trends should make an effort to follow industry news, attend conferences, watch how-to videos, join relevant online forums, and read blog posts related to web development. Doing so will help them build a better understanding of coding languages such as HTML5, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL as well as keep them informed about advances in hardware and software that can enhance their projects.

What Can I Do with a Bachelor's in Web Development

A bachelor's degree in web development is an excellent way to start a career in this exciting and growing profession. Knowing what you can do with a degree in this field can help you make the right decision when it comes to your academic and professional pursuits. From starting your own business to working as a freelance developer, there are many paths you can take with a bachelor's in web development. With the right combination of creativity, problem-solving skills, and technical know-how, individuals who have completed their bachelor’s degrees in this field can have highly successful careers. They may work for established companies or start their own businesses providing digital services such as website design, graphics design, content management systems (CMS), server administration, E-commerce solutions, and more.

Potential Careers for Web Development Graduates

  • Software Tester:

    A software tester will be responsible for the quality assurance of software applications. This includes designing and executing test plans, analyzing and reporting results, and recommending corrective measures.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field
    • Previous experience in software testing or quality assurance
    • Familiarity with scripting languages such as Python, VBScript, JavaScript, etc
    • Proficiency with testing tools such as Selenium, JUnit, JMeter, etc
    • Excellent problem-solving skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers in the US in 2021 was $109,020
    • The mean annual wage for software quality assurance analysts and testers in Arizona is $80,490
  • SEO Specialist or Manager:

    An SEO specialist or manager may be responsible for developing and executing successful search engine optimization strategies. They will work with clients to identify objectives, analyze website performance, and optimize content for maximum visibility and reach.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or related field
    • 2+ years of experience in SEO or digital marketing
    • Experience with web development tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Strong knowledge of SEO tools such as Google Analytics

    Estimated Salary

    • The mean annual wage for marketing managers in the US in 2021 was $153,440
    • The mean annual wage for marketing managers in Arizona is $131,350
  • Information Security Analyst:

    An information security analyst is responsible for protecting the organization’s IT infrastructure and data assets from attack or unauthorized access. He/she will monitor and analyze security systems, develop security policies, and advise on best practices to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the organization’s data.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, or related field
    • 5+ years of experience in information security
    • Expert knowledge of network security, encryption technologies, and authentication protocols
    • Knowledge of web application security (OWASP, etc.)

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for information security analysts in the US in 2021 was $102,600
    • The mean annual wage for information security analysts in Arizona is $108,640
  • Computer Network Architect:

    A computer network architect is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the computer networks that keep businesses functioning. They are also responsible for troubleshooting any networking issues that may arise.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field
    • 5+ years of experience in IT networks
    • Knowledge of routers, switches, firewalls, VoIP systems, and cloud computing concepts
    • Strong problem-solving skills
    • Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for computer network architects in the US in 2021 was $120,520
    • The mean annual wage for computer network architects in Arizona is $118,810
  • Computer Engineer:

    Computer engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining computer hardware and software. They use their knowledge of engineering principles to create and improve computer systems, networks, and components.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering or a related field
    • Knowledge of computer hardware and software design and development processes
    • Experience with troubleshooting hardware and software issues
    • Excellent problem-solving skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for computer hardware engineers in the US in 2021 was $128,170
    • The mean annual wage for computer hardware engineers in Arizona is $121,900
  • Data Processor:

    A data processor is responsible for managing and processing data within an organization. The role requires the ability to accurately interpret and organize information, as well as ensuring data accuracy.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field
    • At least two years of experience in a related role
    • Knowledge of database management systems and software
    • Experience with data analysis tools
    • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
    • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail

    Estimated Salary

    • The mean annual wage for word processors and typists in the US in 2021 was $43,370 and data entre keyers earned $35,940
    • The mean annual wage for word processors and typists in Arizona is $42,370 and data entry keyers earn $36,790
  • Full-stack Developers:

    A full-stack developer will work with an IT department to work on the front end and back end of website applications and full website creation. Those looking to fill this role will need to be creative, problem-solving individuals who can take on a variety of tasks.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Proven experience as a Full-Stack Developer or similar role
    • Knowledge of multiple programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, etc
    • Experience with databases (e.g. MySQL) and Object Relational Mapping tools (e.g. Hibernate)
    • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for web developers in the US in 2021 was $78,300
    • The mean annual wage for web developers in Arizona is $66,970
  • Web and Digital Designer:

    A web and digital designer is responsible for developing, designing, and maintaining a variety of digital projects including websites, apps, and other digital properties. They may be full-stack developers themselves or work with a team of various developers.

    Necessary Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, Web Design or related field
    • Proven experience as a Web Designer or related role
    • Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and UX/UI design principles

    Estimated Salary

    • The median annual wage for web developers and digital designers in the US in 2021 was $78,300
    • The mean annual wage for web and digital interface designers in Arizona is $67,220
    What are the highest paying jobs with a computer science degree?

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