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The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) boasts an illustrious history spanning multiple decades. Beginning with Catonsville and Essex Community Colleges being founded in 1957, Dundalk Community College joined 1971, further broadening their reach and impact. CCBC's early years were defined by its strong dedication to providing high-quality education and accessible pathways to higher learning for Baltimore County's residents. Each campus of Catonsville, Essex, and Dundalk brought their own strengths and resources, providing students with a variety of programs and opportunities.

Overview of Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)

With the merger of three colleges in 1998, CCBC became one of Maryland's largest community colleges. The school has continually evolved and adapted to an ever-evolving educational landscape, though CCBC remains committed to offering affordable education while helping its students meet their academic and career objectives.

CCBC is a premier institution within Baltimore County, and it offers numerous programs and opportunities that will assist in meeting both your academic and career goals. Whether you are just graduating high school or you’re looking to enhance your skillset; CCBC stands by you and guides your educational journey from start to finish.

General Information

School Type Public
Campus Setting Suburb: Large
Campus Housing No
Student Faculty Ratio 16:1
Graduation Rate 14%
Year Founded 1957

Student Enrollment

Total Students17,573


Undergraduate Student

Male 6,326
Female 11,247

Graduate Student

Male 0
Female 0

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CCBC Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male N/A
Female N/A


Male N/A
Female N/A

Acceptance RateN/A

Male N/A
Female N/A

Enrollment N/A

Male N/A
Female N/A
Application Fee N/A
High School GPA N/A
High School Rank N/A
High School Transcripts N/A
College Prep Courses N/A
Recommendations N/A
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) N/A
Application Deadline N/A
Common Application Accepted N/A

CCBC Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

CCBC strives to make education accessible and affordable. Recognizing the financial challenges students may be experiencing, CCBC provides various funding options to assist their education. Tuition costs at CCBC are also competitive compared to other institutions, including even lower costs for those students living within the district. CCBC tuition costs have been designed for maximum affordability and reasonableness so students may pursue their academic goals without incurring significant debt. Students living in-district and attending full-time during the 2023-24 academic year paid an average of $4,380 for their tuition, while those from within the state paid $7,474, and those from out-of-state paid $10,880.

CCBC not only offers affordable tuition fees, but also a comprehensive suite of financial aid options to supplement student support. The Financial Aid Office at CCBC works closely with students to explore all avenues for funding their education. Scholarships are one of the main sources of financial aid at CCBC, rewarding academic excellence, outstanding achievements, or other criteria set by their provider. Scholarships can significantly offset tuition fees to make education more cost-effective for students. CCBC students are also supported by grants to students who demonstrate financial need through various federal, state, or institutional programs - making education more accessible for those experiencing financial challenges.

In addition, CCBC also provides work-study opportunities, giving students an opportunity to earn money while also gaining valuable work experience. Work-study programs not only cover educational expenses but can provide invaluable practical skills that can benefit future careers. This academic institution is committed to making education affordable. The affordable tuition and comprehensive financial aid offerings demonstrate their mission of supporting their student's academic endeavors.

Average net price Current Year
Net Price $7,689
Average Total Aid $4,959
Students Receiving Financial Aid 79%
Room & Board $9,893

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $7,474
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $10,880
  • Books and Supplies - $1,430
  • Room & Board - $9,893
  • Other - $3,678

Popular Academic Programs at CCBC

The Community College of Baltimore County offers a diverse selection of undergraduate programs designed to meet students' individual interests and career objectives. From earning an Associate degree to various certificate programs, CCBC provides an engaging academic environment that helps its students thrive and achieve their academic goals.

Their undergraduate studies offer courses across an extensive array of fields including Business Administration, Computer Science, Health Professions, Engineering, Education, Arts and Humanities, etc.

The faculty are specialists in their respective fields, committed to providing high-quality education. By offering classroom instruction, hands-on learning experiences, internships, and career advising to students, they help them gain the knowledge and skills they need for future professional success.

CCBC also provides 300+ credit and continuing education options for professionals. And, supporting those who need flexibility and convenience in today's fast-paced world, the school provides various online education options tailored to students' busy schedules and individual learning styles. Through these online programs, you can earn a degree or certificate, take professional development courses, or enroll in individual classes to enhance your skills.

Student Population Total

Student Population 17,573

Evening Classes : Yes
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Majors N/A

Outcome & Salary

CCBC takes great pride in the success of its graduates. Through comprehensive undergraduate programs, CCBC equips its students with all the knowledge and skills needed for success in today's workplace - graduating graduates entering professional life well-prepared and confident - ready to embrace all opportunities.

CCBC prides itself on practical, hands-on learning to equip graduates with skills valued by employers. Their strong emphasis on industry knowledge and training draws employers from a wide variety of fields to seek them out.

CCBC provides ongoing assistance for both its undergraduate and graduate alumni through its Career Services Center, offering a host of resources and guidance that assist with job searching, as well as meeting professional goals. From resume writing workshops to interview preparation and networking events, CCBC strives to empower its graduates each step of the way.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $46,300
College Grads Average Salary $56,000
College Grads Mid Career Salary $71,500
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $560,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $1,275,000
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $30,756
10 Year Projected ROI $529,244
20 Year Projected ROI $1,244,244
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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