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California Lutheran University (CLU) is a private institution located in Thousand Oaks, California that was established in 1959. Offering both undergraduate and graduate programs in many fields of study, its commitment to academic excellence combined with a welcoming community provide its students with an enriching educational experience.

Overview of California Lutheran University (CLU)

California Lutheran University (CLU) stands out with its small class sizes. Boasting a student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1, students can benefit from personalized attention and close interactions with professors, resulting in more engaging learning environments that enable participation in discussions and personalized feedback on work produced.

California Lutheran University provides a range of undergraduate programs with majors available in business, arts and sciences, education, and more. Furthermore, pre-professional programs, such as their offering in pre-med, helps prepare students to follow their desired career paths successfully. Graduate programs also exist across a number of fields to further specialization or advanced study.

General Information

School Type Private not-for-profit
Campus Setting Suburb: Large
Campus Housing Yes
Student Faculty Ratio 11:1
Graduation Rate 56%
Year Founded 1913

Student Enrollment

Total Students1,031


Undergraduate Student

Male 402
Female 418

Graduate Student

Male 103
Female 108

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CLU Acceptance Rate and Admissions


Male 208
Female 260


Male 179
Female 200

Acceptance Rate81%

Male 86%
Female 77%

Enrollment 201

Male 97
Female 106
Application Fee $25
High School GPA Secondary school GPA
High School Rank Not Required, but Considered
High School Transcripts Secondary school GPA
College Prep Courses Secondary school GPA
Recommendations Secondary school GPA
Formal demonstration of competencies Not Considered
Work experience Not Considered
Personal statement or essay Secondary school GPA
Legacy status Not Required, but Considered
SAT/ACT Not Required, but Considered (Test Optional)
Other Test (Wonderlic,WISC-III,etc) Not Considered
English Proficiency Test Not Required, but Considered (Test Optional)
Application Deadline N/A
Common Application Accepted Yes

CLU Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Tuition costs depend on many variables, including your program of study, undergraduate/graduate status, whether you attend full-time, and more. CLU strives to offer competitive tuition rates so that education remains accessible to all its students.

CLU's undergraduate tuition cost for the 2022-23 academic year was, on average, $48,012, not including room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses. Graduate programs may differ in price based on program specifics and other factors. If you are looking for accurate tuition cost estimates, it’s advised that you reach out directly to the admissions office.

While these numbers may appear daunting, it’s important to keep in mind that tuition can be made more affordable through various sources. CLU offers various scholarships and financial aid options designed to reduce tuition expenses such as merit scholarships, need-based grants, work study opportunities, etc. It is highly advised that students explore these avenues as soon as possible to increase their chances of receiving assistance from this program.

Average net price 2021-2022
Net Price $30,416
Average Total Aid $30,597
Students Receiving Financial Aid 100%
Room & Board $15,490

Sticker Price

  • Tuition In-State - $48,012
  • Tuition Out-of-State - $48,012
  • Books and Supplies - $1,152
  • Room & Board - $15,490
  • Other - $3,151

Popular Academic Programs at CLU

California Lutheran University (CLU) is known for its comprehensive academic programs and commitment to offering students a holistic education. Offering both undergraduate and graduate programs, CLU gives students a chance to discover their passions while developing valuable skills they'll need for future careers, whether they are in business, arts, sciences, or the humanities.

One of the hallmarks of CLU academics is its faculty. Expert in their respective fields, their professors are committed to helping their students excel. With small class sizes, students have ample opportunity to engage meaningful discussions and forge relationships with their professors.

The school offers a selection of majors and minors. This gives students the flexibility to tailor their education according to their interests and career goals - from popular majors like business administration, psychology, and communication to international trade studies - there's something for everyone.

CLU recognizes the value of hands-on experiences to supplement traditional classroom learning and so offers internships, research opportunities, and community engagement projects that enable students to apply what they've learned in class to real-life scenarios and build their resumes at the same time.

Student Population Total

Student Population 1,031

Evening Classes : Yes
Online Learning : Yes

Most Popular Programs & Majors

(# of Diplomas Awarded by Subject)

All Business Majors 168 Total Graduates / 22%
Business Administration and Management, General 87 Graduates
Accounting 28 Graduates
Management Science 26 Graduates
Organizational Leadership 23 Graduates
Psychology 108 Total Graduates / 14%
Psychology, General 108 Graduates
Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs 81 Total Graduates / 11%
Speech Communication and Rhetoric 48 Graduates
Communication Management and Strategic Communications 33 Graduates
Social Sciences 76 Total Graduates / 10%
Criminology 35 Graduates
Political Science and Government, General 21 Graduates
Sociology, General 10 Graduates
Economics, General 7 Graduates
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 74 Total Graduates / 10%
Biology/Biological Sciences, General 56 Graduates
Biochemistry 18 Graduates
All Other Diplomas 34%

Outcome & Salary

The outcomes for graduates from California Lutheran University stand as a testament to the institution's commitment to fostering success in its students. With a strong emphasis on experiential learning and practical skills development, CLU alumni are well-prepared to enter the workforce and make an impact in their chosen fields. Many graduates have gone on to secure positions at top companies, utilizing the knowledge and expertise gained during their time at CLU to excel in their careers. And best yet, the school has a 73% overall graduation rate, well above the national average.

Moreover, the supportive community at CLU has been instrumental in shaping graduates who are not only academically accomplished but also socially conscious individuals. The emphasis on service and ethical leadership has resulted in many CLU alumni participating in meaningful social initiatives and giving back to their communities. This holistic approach to education equips graduates with a well-rounded skillset that enables them to thrive both professionally and personally.

Furthermore, the networking opportunities provided by California Lutheran University play a pivotal role in the success of its graduates. The strong connections fostered between students, faculty, and industry professionals have opened doors for countless alumni, leading them toward rewarding career paths. Additionally, the university's career services offer ongoing support post-graduation, ensuring that alumni continue to receive guidance as they navigate their professional endeavors. As a result of these efforts, CLU graduates emerge as competent, confident individuals ready to tackle challenges and contribute meaningfully to society.

Graduates Salary
College Grads Early Career Salary $54,800
College Grads Average Salary $80,000
College Grads Mid Career Salary $107,600
Return on Investment (ROI)
10 Year Salary Earnings Potential $800,000
20 Year Salary Earnings Potential $1,876,000
Cost of Education (Net Price) 4 Year $121,664
10 Year Projected ROI $678,336
20 Year Projected ROI $1,754,336
No College Education Salary Comparison
National Average Salary $38,792
10 Year Projected Income $387,920
20 Year Projected Income $775,840

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